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Lv 755,363 points


  • integration problem

    Suppose φ (x) is the distance from x to the nearest integer. Define a function B(x) = Σ (0->∞) φ (2^n x)/2^n.

    Find C∫(0->1) B(x) dx

    C means Cauchy Integral

    3 個解答數學1 十年前
  • 求一題瑕積分值

    試求∫[0~∞] cos (t^3) dt 之值

    3 個解答數學1 十年前
  • 在計程車站的上車時間


    假定兩架計程車來到之間的時間差服從指數分配﹐平均數是180秒。則我的 95% C.I. 上車時間是甚麼?

    4 個解答數學1 十年前
  • 一條數學物理問題

    假定有一條在x-y面上的曲線 y=f(x)﹐其中一點固定在原點。考慮一小球(質量 m) 從這條曲線位於(x,y)的地點釋放﹐則其到達原點的時間T(y)不難計算出來。現在考慮相反的問題﹐給定T(y)﹐是否可以找出一條對應的y=f(x) (或者參數式 x=f(s),y=g(s) ) 曲線出來?

    具體地說﹐請以最簡單的情況T(y)=C 導出相關方程。

    提示:與 Laplace Transform﹐Integral equation 有關

    3 個解答數學1 十年前
  • Mathematics question

    Let a1, a2, . . . , an be distinct positive integers and let M be a set of n − 1 positive integers not containing s = a1 +a2 + +an. A grasshopper is to jump along the real axis, starting at the point 0 and making n jumps to the right with lengths a1, a2, . . . , an in some order. Prove that the order can be chosen in such a way that the grasshopper never lands on any point in M.

    3 個解答數學1 十年前
  • 翻譯以下詩篇

    But now at last the sacred influence

    Of light appears, and from the walls of Heaven

    Shoots far into the bosom of dim Night

    A glimmering dawn. Here Nature first begins

    Her fardest verge, and Chaos to retire,

    As from her utmost works, a broken foe,

    With tumult less and with less hostile din

    John Milton, [1667 and 1671] PARADISE LOST, Second Book

    Here Hills and Vales, the Woodland and the Plain,

    Here Earth and Water seem to strive again,

    Not Chaos-like together crush’d and bruis’d,

    But as the world, harmoniously confus’d:

    Where Order in Variety we see,

    And where, tho' all things differ, all agree.

    Pope, Windsor Forest

    5 個解答語言1 十年前
  • number of triangles in a graph

    Prove that if the graph G has 2n vertices and more than n^2 edges, then G contains at least n triangles

    1 個解答數學1 十年前
  • Lie theory

    Explain why S3=SU(2) is not the same group as S1 x S1 x S1

    1 個解答數學1 十年前
  • 兩條曲線之間的最短距離


    1 個解答數學1 十年前
  • Functional equation

    Let f:N->N and f(n+1)>f(f(n)),find the expression of f(n)

    2 個解答數學1 十年前

    Suppose that f is a continuous real-valued function on R and suppose that for any x and y in R


    Provw that there is a constant a such that f(x)=ax^2 for all real x

    1 個解答數學1 十年前
  • infinity series

    Find the exact value of


    1 個解答數學1 十年前
  • 對策論之配對問題


    a {1 1 2 0}

    b {3 1 2 2}

    c {1 2 3 4}

    d {0 1 2 0}

    A {0 1 1 2}

    B {2 3 1 2}

    C {1 0 2 3}

    D {4 1 2 3}


    1 個解答數學1 十年前
  • Geometry problem

    Let B be a set of more than 2^(n+1)/n distinct points with coordinates of the form (1,1, . . . ,1) in n-dimensional space, with n >= 3. Show that there are three distinct points in B which are the vertices of an equilateral triangle.

    1 個解答數學1 十年前
  • Question of sequence

    Let f(x) be a polynomial with integer coefficients. Define a sequence a0, a1, . . . of integers such that a0 = 0 and an+1 = f(an) for all n >=0. Prove that if there exists a positive integer m for which am = 0 then either a1 = 0 or a2 = 0.

    5 個解答數學1 十年前
  • integer partition problem

    Show that the number of incongruent triangles with integer sides and perimeter n is given by

    p(n-3 | parts in {2,3,4})

    2 個解答數學1 十年前
  • 有趣的骰子問題


    1,2,3,4,5,6 擲了6次

    1,2,2,5,3,4,1,6 擲了8次


    3 個解答數學1 十年前
  • 一元二次方程的機率問題


    3 個解答數學1 十年前
  • 一條有趣的關於鴿籠原理的問題

    甲國的公路系統是這樣的: 在每個交叉路口有三條公路交會。(該國的公路系統是封閉的)證明該公路系統有下列性質: 假定一司機從任一交叉路口A1 出發延著三條路中任一條到下一路口A2 向右轉開到下一路口A3。在A3 向左轉, 這樣繼續下去, 一次右轉一次左轉。那麼他最後會回到出發點A1。

    2 個解答數學1 十年前
  • gamma函數


    1 個解答數學1 十年前