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Lv 734,490 points

Empress of Everything

  • Has anyone tried the Walmart Straight Talk service?

    I'm considering the $30 per month for 1000 minutes and 1000 texts but would like to hear any comments from folks that are using or have tried the service. Is the price really accurate or (as with almost everything else) would it be $30 plus fees, taxes, licensing, etc, etc? I'd appreciate some opinions. Thanks!

    1 個解答Other - Entertainment1 十年前
  • Early morning Lyrics Quiz anyone?

    Can you identify the song & artist from the questions? Best answer to the first to get them right! Starts off easy & gets more difficult (I hope).

    Have you ever wanted to...

    1. Glide down over Mulholland?

    2.Need respect, just a little bit?

    3.Take four days to hitchhike from Saginaw?

    4.Have a habit worth forming, if it means to justify the end?

    5.Shoot the mornin' in the back, with your Red Wings on?

    Good luck!

    1 個解答Lyrics1 十年前
  • Poll: Can I please.....?

    get a "happy birthday" from some of you nice Y/A folks? I'm not near my family & I'm sad not to see them on my birthday. A hug would be nice too, if it's not too much trouble?

    13 個解答Polls & Surveys1 十年前
  • Battle of the Bands!!!?

    Anyone up for a battle of the bands today? Band with the most votes wins!


    The Who

    Black Sabbath

    Note: I chose the bands at random, just vote for the one you like best, okay? Thanks!

    5 個解答Polls & Surveys1 十年前
  • Does anyone else have.....?

    a cat that sometimes drives them insane? After my cat uses the litterbox she will scratch & scratch for about 5 minutes, up the walls of the box, on the litter catcher mat outside the box, on the wall next to the box and yet somehow never manage to get a grain of litter onto her "business" to cover it up! ^--^

    7 個解答Cats1 十年前
  • Don't you think.....?

    that Y/A should offer fabulous prizes to those that manage to reach really high levels? It must take ages to get there. At level 25 say, you would receive a new car? At level 50, a new house?

    What fabulous prizes would you suggest?

    7 個解答Polls & Surveys1 十年前
  • Any graduates here.....?

    from Wossamatta U in beautiful Mooslevania? Class of '75 here =).

    Rocky or Bullwinkle?

    Boris or Natasha?

    Fractured Fairy Tales or Mr. Peabody?

    2 個解答Polls & Surveys1 十年前
  • What is your favorite.......?

    Treat from the ice cream truck?

    Mine is a chocolate eclair bar, I tried buying a box of them at the grocery store but it just didn't seem the same.

    50 個解答Polls & Surveys1 十年前
  • Terry Pratchett fans.....?

    I just found out that he was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimers, thats just awful. He is my favorite author.

    The last info I found was for March, has anyone heard how he is doing?

    2 個解答Books & Authors1 十年前
  • Are you.......?

    a legend in your own mind?

    Hot dogs or hamburgers at the cookout?

    11 個解答Polls & Surveys1 十年前
  • Who are your favorite.....?

    Classic cartoon characters?

    I'm not talking anime here folks, the good old fashioned bowl-of-cereal-in-front-of-the-tv-on-Saturday-morning type cartoons.

    Please say "ishkabibble" during your reply.

    Mine are Daffy ishkabibble Duck & Foghorn Leghorn.

    10 個解答Comics & Animation1 十年前
  • Make up a holiday & theme song?

    I was in a little bit of a bad mood at work & REALLY bored so I decided to make a new holiday & theme song for it.

    My holiday would be Cranky Day, you get to be in a testy mood & no one can tell you to cheer up! or snap out of it!

    Here's the theme song (Spiderman tune)

    Cranky day, cranky day

    How do we celebrate on cranky day?

    Scream & yell, run amok

    Go ahead, push your luck

    It's okay on Cranky Day!

    Cranky Day, Cranky Day

    You can growl, on Cranky Day.

    Stomp around, make a face,

    Cause some havoc, all over the place,

    Look out, it's Cranky Dayyyyy!

    What's your holiday & theme song? Hey, it gave me something to think about for a while anyway =)

    1 個解答Polls & Surveys1 十年前
  • For those old enough to remember this....?

    If Mr. Peabody invited you into the Way-Back time machine, would you accept? What time would you want to visit?

    12 個解答Polls & Surveys1 十年前
  • Did anything embarrassing?

    Did anything kind of embarrassing happen to you today? I was at the bank & couldn't figure why the teller was looking at me weirdly. Then I realized I had my tshirt on backwards & the tag was sticking out of the neck in front. Friday my friend drove to work with her slippers on instead of the safety shoes we are required to wear. Anything crazy or strange happen to you today?

    9 個解答Polls & Surveys1 十年前
  • Isn't this odd?

    I'm kind of new to Yahoo Answers & was wondering...isn't it strange that you can vote for your own answer as best answer to a question (no, I haven't done it but I know you can) but you can't give your own answer a thumbs up? Why is that?

    Also, why would anyone bother to reply to a question that asked for info by typing an obscenity? What is the point? It happened to me when I asked a question before, not offensive, just wanting info. I don't get it, is anyone really that desperate for those 2 points for answering?

    5 個解答Yahoo Answers1 十年前
  • Can I clear out part of "my answers"?

    I'm fairly new to Yahoo Answers & can't find this in the help section. Once a question is resolved can I clear it from the "my answers" section & how is that done? I find the questions so interesting, but my answer list is already getting out of control. I would like to keep those that aren't resolved yet until I see what the best answer is. Thanks for any help.

    5 個解答Yahoo Answers1 十年前