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Make up a holiday & theme song?

I was in a little bit of a bad mood at work & REALLY bored so I decided to make a new holiday & theme song for it.

My holiday would be Cranky Day, you get to be in a testy mood & no one can tell you to cheer up! or snap out of it!

Here's the theme song (Spiderman tune)

Cranky day, cranky day

How do we celebrate on cranky day?

Scream & yell, run amok

Go ahead, push your luck

It's okay on Cranky Day!

Cranky Day, Cranky Day

You can growl, on Cranky Day.

Stomp around, make a face,

Cause some havoc, all over the place,

Look out, it's Cranky Dayyyyy!

What's your holiday & theme song? Hey, it gave me something to think about for a while anyway =)

1 個解答

  • 匿名
    1 十年前

    SWEEEET! I could use one of those per WEEK!

    OK. here's my "Loafing Day" song.

    I worked all week doing double duty!

    Mowing and DJing really kicked my booty!

    I'm gonna loaf like there's no tomorrow

    And play on Yahoo Answers without guilt or sorrow!

    Mowing is OK EXCEPT on Sunday.

    All those other people can wait til Monday.

    Karaoke is fine for my singers and dancers

    But I'm gonna keep on seeking Best Answers!
