Yahoo 知識+ 將於 2021 年 5 月 4 日 (美國東岸時間) 停止服務,而 Yahoo 知識+ 網站現已轉為僅限瀏覽模式。其他 Yahoo 資產或服務,或你的 Yahoo 帳戶將不會有任何變更。你可以在此服務中心網頁進一步了解 Yahoo 知識+ 停止服務的事宜,以及了解如何下載你的資料。

Isn't this odd?

I'm kind of new to Yahoo Answers & was wondering...isn't it strange that you can vote for your own answer as best answer to a question (no, I haven't done it but I know you can) but you can't give your own answer a thumbs up? Why is that?

Also, why would anyone bother to reply to a question that asked for info by typing an obscenity? What is the point? It happened to me when I asked a question before, not offensive, just wanting info. I don't get it, is anyone really that desperate for those 2 points for answering?

5 個解答

  • 匿名
    1 十年前

    It might seem odd at first, but when you think about what I am about to say, it will make sense. You can vote for your own answer as "Best Answer" only when the person that asked the question hasn't picked a best answer. This voting option is only available a week after the question was asked. If there was not a voting option, there would be tons of questions without a best answer, and less people with a good "Best Answer" percentage. When one answers a question, this person gains 2 points. However, if this person does not get a "Best Answer", then their overall "Best Answer" percentage goes down. Logically, if they get do get "Best Answer", then their "Best Answer" percentage goes up.

    As far as the obscenity question goes, people have different views on what is obscene and what is not. For example, I personally do not like to swear - I find it offensive. I can't say for sure, but I imagine that a lot of people on Yahoo Answers™ are "bored" and the kind of person that would type an obscene answer to a question (and the answer has nothing to do with the question) probably thinks it is funny - but I do not think it is in attempt to get a few points. 2 points isn't a lot. The best method to get points is probably by voting for Best Answers in Unresolved Questions. Per question, the voter gets something like 1 point. It doesn't take long to read questions, nor does it to vote... so there are some fast points to be gotten there. Also, if you do see something that you think is obscene, illegal, spam, or offensive to others, then you can report them. When you click "Report" under someone's name, there should be a link that will tell you what kinds of things to report for.

    Hopefully, this should help you discern what to report and what not to. If enough people (with a decent reporting record) report someone for obscene language and the like, the question or comment will be removed. However, do not report someone just because you don't like it. One can get in trouble for reporting without good reason. If one were to do that, their reporting record would go down and they would be taken less seriously when reporting. If this person were to report needlessly so many times, that person's account may be shut down temporarily or permanently. Hopefully this is what you were looking for. If you have more questions, feel free to ask on here or by clicking on my user-name here and clicking "email Newo". Cheers!

    Added: So when you think about it, it is unnecessary to be able to thumbs-up yourself. If a person gives an answer, then obviously they approve of it.

  • One Ho
    Lv 7
    1 十年前

    Welcome. I face the same problem too! What I can't understand is that some ridiculous answers are voted as best answers! I mean, come on, it was bad advice, like "approving" skipping school or sneaking out of the house, or feeling they have done "great" by "getting back" at a teacher, etc. I wonder why these people who ask for advice prefer to accept these answers than face the problem with a view to resolving it. Sigh!

  • 1 十年前

    lol good question...i dont i guess they expect you to forget what you actually typed as an answer and just going on what you think is the best answer since they take away the names and for the just putting something on there just for the two points...i hate that too...the same person kept putting the same stupid thing for every question i was trying to answer..was really annoying...but you have to think too...its 2 more points then you had gotta add it up somehow.

  • 1 十年前


    u can vote for your own answer as best answer??


    yea, i get what u mean.

    like, no rude comments, but they are gonna be a prick about it.

    or even if they weren't. i'm asking a question, for help, but someone writes, 'sorry, wish i can help u'. like WHAT?! then don't reply at all! >.<

    i think ppl do just type crap just so they can get their freaking points. i rather get it from HELPING ppl


  • 1 十年前

    I do agree. I was not aware that anybody could do that, actually, until now. I must say, though, I don't care much. The points for this thing seem, well, pointless.
