Yahoo 知識+ 將於 2021 年 5 月 4 日 (美國東岸時間) 停止服務,而 Yahoo 知識+ 網站現已轉為僅限瀏覽模式。其他 Yahoo 資產或服務,或你的 Yahoo 帳戶將不會有任何變更。你可以在此服務中心網頁進一步了解 Yahoo 知識+ 停止服務的事宜,以及了解如何下載你的資料。

Can I clear out part of "my answers"?

I'm fairly new to Yahoo Answers & can't find this in the help section. Once a question is resolved can I clear it from the "my answers" section & how is that done? I find the questions so interesting, but my answer list is already getting out of control. I would like to keep those that aren't resolved yet until I see what the best answer is. Thanks for any help.


I don't mean to take them out of the Yahoo data base, only to clear my own answer section in my profile. Thanks!

5 個解答

  • 1 十年前

    Your list can't be cleared. What you should do is put any pending Q&A in the watchlist. You can delete from there when resolved.

    ℬ ℋ

  • Closed
    Lv 7
    1 十年前

    That's because you can't do that. You can only delete OPEN questions. Once in voting or resolved, questions and answers belong the to YA database and can't be removed by you.

  • Edd e
    Lv 7
    1 十年前

    You can only delete open question or answers, if they have gone to the vote or resolved they cannot be removed.

    The questions and answers stay in yahoo archive available for searching and browsing. only yahoo can delete them.

  • 匿名
    1 十年前

    **** u

  • 匿名
    1 十年前

    no , you can't
