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Poll: Can I please.....?

get a "happy birthday" from some of you nice Y/A folks? I'm not near my family & I'm sad not to see them on my birthday. A hug would be nice too, if it's not too much trouble?


alaBASHter sorry to hear you're sad (((happy unbirthday))).

Hirako, I'll be phoning them later but its just not the same as being with them. =(

Thanks for being so nice everyone.

13 個解答

  • 1 十年前

    How could anyone refuse a request from the Empress of Everything? Happy birthday, dear, and consider yourself hugged!

  • Happy Birthday mate from Australia, have a nice day

  • 1 十年前

    Happy birthday!!! Many More!!!

  • Hirako
    Lv 5
    1 十年前

    Happy Birthday!! but you know there are telephones,internet with webcams so you could get in contact with you´re family

  • Foxie
    Lv 5
    1 十年前

    Hugs for you.. happy birthday! & a star..

  • 匿名
    1 十年前

    happy birthday,,, but can you say happy unbirthday to me?,,, im sooo sad as well...

  • Happy B-Day !!

    And instead of a hug you get a star. . .

  • 1 十年前


    Enjoy you're special day!!!

    :) (hug), and I will give you a star.

  • 1 十年前


  • 1 十年前

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! may yur wishes come true (=
