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Does anyone else have.....?

a cat that sometimes drives them insane? After my cat uses the litterbox she will scratch & scratch for about 5 minutes, up the walls of the box, on the litter catcher mat outside the box, on the wall next to the box and yet somehow never manage to get a grain of litter onto her "business" to cover it up! ^--^


Soccer Chick, I scoop the box twice a day & completely replace the litter once a week. It's not because the box is not clean, I think she's just a silly scratchy girl. =D

7 個解答

  • 1 十年前

    My male cat Puck does the same thing. Some cats are just funny that way. I suppose since they don't have the natural foliage to cover their "stuff" they wig out a little. ;)

    資料來源: Born and raised breeding/showing cats in C.F.A. Now I just have my two precious mutt kitties! Huzzah for Puck and Misha!:D
  • 1 十年前

    Yes one of my cats will endlessly scratch at an empty part of the tray where theres not even any litter & when she does finally scrape any litter it ends up all around the tray with her waste still exposed! Silly little kitty but I love her to bits lol.

    資料來源: Have 2 cats.
  • 1 十年前

    Mine does this too; he just scratches at the side edge of the box for a while.

    I have another cat who's pretty good about burying... she's so good she tries to bury the food when she's done.

  • 1 十年前

    One of my cats does the same thing. Its the most irritating sound. I think he does it because he doesn't like one of my other two cats. He's trying to hide it or something.

  • CTU
    Lv 7
    1 十年前

    One of my cats does that all the time but she does bury it though!

  • 1 十年前

    my cat srcatches her head and then sneezes then she starts coming to me then nudging her head against my hand for a belly gets annoying after a while since she constantly wants a rub.

    資料來源: My cat
  • 1 十年前

    Maybe she wants you to clean her litterbox
