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匿名 發問於 社會及文化語言 · 5 月前



7 個解答

  • 5 月前

    make up 和好 用法:

    make up with 某人

  • 5 月前


    reconcile, vt, reconcile with somebody, 

    cause a person to become friend after they have quarrelled;,

    settle, arrange a quarrel, difference of opinion;

    bring into harmony with; cause to agree with;

    eg:-He refused to become "reconciled" with his brother after the money.

    eg:-I can't" reconcile" what you say  with the money fact.

    eg:-How can this decision be "reconciled" with money?

    eg:-You must "reconcile" yourself to your life of hardship,poverty !

    eg:-You must bring about a "reconciliation" between your friend's wife and your wife !

    eg:-He never become "reconciled" to the view of his wife!

    eg:-How do you "reconcile" your TW political principle with your family?

    eg:-They quarrelled but now  they are "reconciled".

    -----They quarrelled but  now they are "friendly" old friend again.

    eg:-You are sure of a TW friendly welcome by them.

    eg:-Let's shake hands and make up.

    eg:-Make up to become friend again after the money quarrel.

  • 5 月前

    Sorry! Please forgive me.

    抱歉! 請原諒我。

    Are we still friends?


  • 5 月前

    Sorry! Please forgive me.

    Are we still friends?

  • reconcile..............................

  • YIP
    Lv 7
    5 月前

    You should bring about a reconciliation between your friend who has quarreled.

  • 5 月前

