Yahoo 知識+ 將於 2021 年 5 月 4 日 (美國東岸時間) 停止服務,而 Yahoo 知識+ 網站現已轉為僅限瀏覽模式。其他 Yahoo 資產或服務,或你的 Yahoo 帳戶將不會有任何變更。你可以在此服務中心網頁進一步了解 Yahoo 知識+ 停止服務的事宜,以及了解如何下載你的資料。

What are the uses of paper towels?
I'd like to know all reasons why people purchase paper towels for.
2 個解答Homework Help6 年前A 'computer' question?
What does this mean if I get this message when I type the URL?
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
6 個解答Computer Networking6 年前Does anyone know this song played on a keyboard ?
Name and artist ? It was played on a keyboard. Please do not do a computer search. Thank you.
2 個解答Other - Music6 年前A question on Yahoo questions and answers ?
In the new Yahoo format, the space for answering is approximately 8'' long and less than 1'' wide and it is hard to scroll back to see what was written before completing the answer. Is there any way of improving the situation ?
4 個解答Yahoo Answers7 年前What is the difference between 'follow publicly' and follow 'privately' ?
This is a question about Yahoo answers. I have the option of viewing a question publicly or privately. Could someone explain what this means? Thank you.
3 個解答Sociology7 年前Opening another Yahoo account ?
Is it possible for me to open another Yahoo account with a different user name but with the same e-mail and other information I supplied? If not, what are the restrictions?
4 個解答Password and sign-in7 年前How do I e-mail someone in Yahoo answers ?
With the new format, how do I e-mail someone if (they have an e-mail and assume I could contact them by e-mail) ?
6 個解答Yahoo Answers7 年前Yahoo answers question ?
Has Yahoo changed its question and answers format ? It looks all different.
3 個解答Yahoo Answers7 年前Does anyone know the name of this song by Steve Perry?
It comes around 1:00 min and was sung by Steve Perry. I'd like to know the name of this song and the year of production (if known).
2 個解答Lyrics7 年前A question about Yahoo answers ?
If someone rated my answer as the 'best answer' but left a question in their comment, how could I respond to them ?. They don't have an e-mail.
10 個解答Yahoo Answers8 年前A plotting software question ?
If you have used plotting in, please answer the following. When I submit an equation like x=6y-y^2, it draws the y where usually the x is drawn (on the x-axis). Is there a way of plotting this equation with x on the x-axis and y on the y-axis even though it is an equation where x is a function of y?
2 個解答Mathematics8 年前A Windows 8 question ?
How do find out when I boot my computer what programs are activated and start running that I don't use or need ? What does Windows Essentials do ?
2 個解答Software8 年前Printers and Windows 8 question?
Does anyone know of an all-in-one printer (below $100) that has a CD from which I could directly install the printer ? I am running a Windows 8 operating system. If you have such a printer, please let me know the name and model number and approximate price. Thank you.
4 個解答Printers8 年前What does online backup mean?
For a person who is not saving any data or not involved in any business etc., is online backup really necessary?
3 個解答Words & Wordplay8 年前Printer incompatibility with Windows 8?
I have discovered that inexpensive printers like HP1050,2050 (includes printer, scanner and copier) seem to be incompatible with the Windows 8 operating system. Does anyone know of a similar all-in-one printer that is not too expensive that is Windows 8 compatible?
If you are sure it is compatible, please list the printer name and model number. Thank you.
3 個解答Printers8 年前Windows 8 question -- hotmail?
I established a hotmail account (Windows 8). How do I locate it and open the e-mail folder? There is nothing on "Search." Thank you.
How do I download the Statistics package into MS Excel?
It is Windows 8 and Microsoft Office doesn't have Statistics if I click "DATA."
1 個解答Software8 年前Are the printers sold in stores (less expensive ones) compatible with Windows 8?
I can't install my printer and printer descriptions in stores do not mention Windows 8.
2 個解答Printers8 年前