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Can the Pope draw unemployment compensation?


It must be frustrating to be out of a Holy Job. Do we really need a Middleman between us and God?

更新 2:

My best guess it that if the right stone is lifted in St. Peters, a chest full of gold will be found. Sadly, 28% capital gains will have to be paid and no one has scales to utilize gold in exchange for bread & fish.  

21 個解答

  • 匿名
    1 年前

    You know what people say, ' Cut out the middle man, go direct'.

  • 1 年前

    He's not unemployed, and he doesn't get a salary.  

    Care to go for strike three?

    Oh, wait!  You did.   You're out!  

    The Pope is the CEO of the Catholic Church.  Nothing is between God and us.

    資料來源: Greek Orthodox Christian
  • Paul
    Lv 7
    1 年前

    Not likely, since he does't receive a salary.

  • 1 年前

    I doubt it. The pope probably can't draw 

    a decent picture on a bathroom wall. 


    Answer to your update: I do not place anything 

    between myself and God, and I will never need to. 

  • 1 年前

    He's a priest. Every priest can if they gat laid off.

  • 1 年前

    Rather he draws people away from God and after himself.

  • 匿名
    1 年前


  • 匿名
    1 年前

    Sure but I'm not sure $253.64/wk will cover former Pope security.

  • 1 年前

    The Vatican is its own country so that depends on if there is unemployment in that country.  

  • 1 年前

    The Pope is not and cannot be unemployed. In all the thousands of years of popes only one has "retired" and been replaced. 

    He is the leader of his Country, the Vatican. 

    "Do we really need a Middleman between us and God?"

    You can believe and do anything you want. It is your version of the myth.  
