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[英翻中]Maybe it's time to call it a career?

這是一個名嘴 在討論 某位政客 時候所說的話.

1 個解答

  • ?
    Lv 5
    4 年前

    Talk show 主持人 Sean Hannity 在9/12日的節目中批評參議院多數黨領袖Mitch McConnell徹底無能(completely incompetent), 阻礙了川普總統的政策議程。

    "McConnell is not leading, he's not getting the job done," he said. "So Senator, if you don't want to roll up your sleeves, if you don't want to get to work on passing the agenda you promised, the president promised, then maybe it's time to call it a career."

    英文習慣用 Let's call it a day. 來說 "收工,今天到此結束",如果是晚上,就用 call it a night。

    (call it a night 也可用來表達 "時候不早,該休息了"

    Hannity 借用此一慣用語,改成call it a career, 指責 McConnell,"如果你不想捲起袖子,全力以赴;如果你不想卯足勁通過你所承諾的法案議程,那或許該是你捲鋪蓋走人,退休養老的時候。"
