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? 發問於 Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 6 年前

What are the Cons of Pure Communism?


People answering this are saying workers do not recieve the fruits of their labour. However I'm talking about a pure communist society where the people are paid for their labour rather than recieving wages. Economically, pure communism is unrelated to the capitalistic society we live in today.

10 個解答

  • 6 年前

    What are the Cons of Pure Communism?

    Nothing, same as a unicorn neither as ever or will ever exist!

  • 6 年前

    In a purely communist economy, it is illegal for you to hire employees and pay them as you see fit. In order to keep you from turning into a capitalist or moving out of the country, communism requires a totalitarian government with machine gun nests along the border. Communism also deprives human beings of the right to private ownership of property, which is one of our most fundamental rights. It also eliminates many of the economic markers that are essential for civil planning and the distribution of goods and services.

  • 匿名
    6 年前

    "What are the Cons of Pure Communism?"

    Lack, lines, being spied on by your neighbors, and little personal gain from striving to do more / improve / change. If Soviet Russia is any indication...

  • 匿名
    6 年前

    the opposite of the libs of pure communism.

  • 匿名
    6 年前

    The cons for any system are humans, all systems require them to be perfect slaves...

  • 6 年前

    Nobody want to give up the fruits of their own labor except perhaps some ideologue. LOL

  • 匿名
    6 年前

    It's we the rulers, not we the people. The fruits of your labor isn't yours.

  • Shark
    Lv 7
    6 年前

    I wouldn't even qualify that with an answer

  • 100 million murders in less than 80 yrs...

  • 6 年前

    well every country would hate you for being communists. and that's not a good thing
