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? 發問於 Science & MathematicsPhysics · 7 年前

Is it impossible for some objects to reach terminal velocity?


If terminal velocity is when an object has no acceleration due to force of gravity and air resistance canceling out, some objects mathematically won't reach terminal velocity. For example: a parachute. Some people say that a parachute has a lower terminal velocity but really, it can never reach it right? The air resistance will never come to par with the force of earth's gravity (9.8 m/s)

3 個解答

  • 匿名
    7 年前

    If an object is falling without getting any faster, than it's force due to gravity and wind resistance are equal. Every single object can reach this state, including the parachute.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 年前

    Hypothetically, a heavy streamlined object like a depleted uranium dart could take more distance to reach terminal velocity than the thickness of the atmosphere. But not, I think, on this planet.

  • 7 年前

    Each object will have it's own terminal velocity - so essentially no.
