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Stardust 發問於 社會及文化語言 · 8 年前

ENG sentences, today

(1) Do you know what it is?

(2) Do you know what is AIDS?

(3) Do you know what AIDS is?

我知(1)係岩, 但我想問(2)同(3)邊個先岩?




=Do you know what cyber bullying is?


5 個解答

  • 8 年前

    意見者:乾燥貓 is correct

    cyberbullying 應該是一個字

    Longman 字典已經有這個字



    2013-10-24 07:12:55 補充:

    嚴格來說, 只有 (1) 和 (3) 是對

    (2) Do you know what is AIDS? ~ 文法上是錯, 或者 colloquil 講

    This involves indirect questions. (~ one question within another question )

    這個主題在 English grammar 書籍有言及

    (3) Do you know what AIDS is? 是對

    What AIDS is ~ indirect question in the above question.

    What is AIDS? ~ direct question

    We can ask a question indirectly by putting it into a sub-clause beginning with a question word wh-, "what".

    There is no inversion in the sub-clause, "what ........."

    If the main clause is a question, you can put question mark at the end.

    Do you know what cyber bullying is? ~ correct

    2013-10-24 07:29:38 補充:


    If the main clause is a question, you can put question mark at the end of the sentence.

    2013-10-24 07:36:13 補充:


    Do you know what cyberbullying is?

    "cyberbullying" is one word. I must be daydreaming!

    資料來源: Longman Advanced Learners' Grammar
  • 8 年前

    They are two words in my book.

    I just follow my book.


  • 匿名
    8 年前

    All of them are correct.

    2013-10-24 03:28:27 補充:

    I think the last one should be "Do you know what AIDS is like?

  • 8 年前

    (3) is correct.

    "Do you know what AIDS is?"

    "Do you know what cyberbullying is?"

    cyberbullying may be one word, please check.

  • 8 年前

    (2)what is AIDS=Subject +verb +direct object

    =what is the meaning of the (word) AIDS ?

    (3)what AIDS is=Subject +subject complement + predicate

    =a noun clause

    =what AIDS is.
