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? 發問於 社會及文化語言 · 9 年前

Putonghua's Usage 58

Zai Yu Xie Wei Ta Shuo Ruo Qu Pian Ou Nan Mei Liang Ke Jiao He Gui Fan Er Ding Chu Bi An 58

5 個解答

  • 9 年前

    Sex usage 169

    Adultery Boobs Cunnilingus Dildo Erotic Fellatio Girl Hentai Iku-Iku JJ Kimochi Lin Masochism Nipple Obscene Pornography QQ-girl Restricted Sadism T-Rex Underwear Vagina Wood X-rated Youporn Zombie

  • 9 年前


  • 9 年前

    5 8

    ========>(81) 94

    War Battling

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 年前

    Great answer by TOMING88.

    2012-10-06 18:15:41 補充:

    How about 50 + 8 , or 47 + 11?

  • 9 年前

    The usage 58---

    If 852 relates 2013, E/C 886(Putonghua)=2013

    But 53+5=58 meaning same,same, which is one step ahead of NEI.

    2012-10-06 20:59:29 補充:

    Thanks for the regards and care.From chronological order it gives Putonghua=853,while NEI=852. so one step ahead.

    資料來源: google website