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Lv 44,351 points

RKO Aussie ~The RKO Problem~


Alright, I am RKO Aussie, and this is my profile, in case you dont know, I have been recieving many violations and i have got like 7 this week, that is why my network is now private, i am sorry to all those people who are good users and just wanna see my q and a but sorry, those sorry somes of bitches trolls like reporting me, and i will probably be suspended soon, so i will have to make a new account, feel free to email me, i love it when i do recieve a messege from another user, anyway i have been watching wrestling since 2004, but i know almost everything about the ninties and the attitude era, this is my second account, because i was sortof spamming answers on my old account, anyway this account will be suspended soon so it wont be up here for long. the last part of my name ~the rko problam~ is a ripoff of y2j's y2j problam, it is because of alll these violations and shit and also because of how much i support y2j, but cant think of anywthing that would fit my name,
