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i love cats ever since I was a little girl. If you ever have a kitten/Cat question email me at I am against people declawing cats, instead use softpaws, they really work. Also get your cat spayed/neutered, to help with overpopulations of cats. -Thanks

  • How do you say "This is my house" in French using "chez"?

    I have this project for French and I wanted to show/tell them that this my house. I've heard the phrase "chez moi" but how do you say this is my house, c'est mon chez? I know you can use maison instead of chez but I would rather keep chez in the phrase as it is what I've learnt in school as the word for house.

    4 個解答Languages1 十年前
  • What do you think of the intro. of my book?

    I'm currently writing a book, and started on my introduction. Can you please help by spotting and grammatical errors, and enlighten me with any tips? Thanks!

    Here's my intro.:

    Just another day…

    It was sixth period, and the bell was about to ring in a few minutes. We had watched part of the movie Charlie. It was about a man who was mentally retarded.

    My science teacher, Ms. Thorton, had ordered everyone to back away from the door and return to our seats. She had written some questions on the board, which we were to answer in our science journal.

    I was sitting alone next to the hexagonal lab table. My friend Jackie had abandoned me for some other popular girls who she believed were her “friends.”

    Anyway, I was so into writing in my journal I failed to notice that there was this guy who had popped up on the lab table until he spoke up to me.

    “Hey, sorry I came here. It’s just that my friends are being perverts and it is annoying me. Anyway, I’m Alec. You don’t mind this do you?”

    This shook me up, not because some random guy who I failed to know existed in my science had sat next to me, but because he was a cute random guy and well, nobody does pay attention to me anyway.

    I just stared at him with a blank expression. I literally froze up, however, Jackie then poked me, and I woke up to reality. “Uh…ok. I’m Zoya by the way.” Then I faintly blushed, which is very rare thing for me to do. Thankfully he wasn’t staring at me.

    Alec, who I had engraved the word “chin” in my mind for him, since he had many cute dimples, continued to ask me questions on my opinion on the movie, and what I had put down for the answers. He was eyeing the clock every ten seconds to see if it was time for the bell to ring. Then suddenly, a loud buzzing sound rang!

    While running a lap in P.E., Jackie rushed towards me. “So what was Alec saying?”

    “He was just here to get away from his friends, and then he asked my opinion the movie. That’s it.”


    “What? He doesn’t like me, does he?!” Jackie ran away from me, deliberately not answering my question. So I ran after her and kept on pestering her to tell me.

    7 個解答Books & Authors1 十年前
  • Im Getting a kitten Need help??1?

    Im getting a kitten and wanted to know what i need and when do they become a adult cat and how much you feed them. Emails welcome at

    6 個解答Cats1 十年前