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Lv 2643 points

Breezy Girl


If you wanna contact me, u can email me i have msn messenger. i use that lots ;D

  • Would Straightening my hair everyday make it change my hair's texture?

    I knew this girl from a friend, she says that she straightened her hair everyday and now it's flat and lifeless, and she can't do anything about it, (her hair wasn't like this to begin with)

    Is this really possible? and how is it?


    4 個解答Hair1 十年前
  • Can't remember the name of an italian film!?

    I watched a movie once, it was either on ifc or sundance channel,

    but it was italian, and there was a couple together, i think the woman wanted to lose weight, and her boyfriend helped her starve herself. it was like an anorexia movie. does anyone have a clue what i'm talking about?



    2 個解答Movies1 十年前
  • Question about blood in vomit?

    I vomited intentionally a little while ago and when i was trying to get some spit out, i noticed a little trickle of blood. The thing about it is, i only did this ONCE! is there really a cause of concern? or did my nails happen to scrape the back of my throat?


    2 個解答Other - Health1 十年前
  • Hypersensitive to Colors?

    Am i the only one that gags at the sight of Cerulean Blue?

    I feel like vomiting, i literally FEEL SICK!

    Does anyone know how this feels like? Any colors make YOU want to gag, or anything weird like that?

    4 個解答Other - Health1 十年前
  • Should I join Avon or Mary Kay?

    I heard so many good things from both companies.

    i'm not sure which one to join

    PLEASE help!

    i have tons of questions!

    feel free to email me as well!!

    5 個解答Makeup1 十年前
  • How do i use a kabuki brush?

    i'm using liquid foundation but i heard that mineral foundation is way better for the skin, and u use less of it. I've ALSO heard that foundation brushes are way good but a kabuki brush gives you more coverage than a regular foundation brush.

    How do i use a kabuki brush?

    **i don't use bareminerals**

    6 個解答Makeup1 十年前
  • What does hxc mean and what makes a person hxc?

    What does hxc mean and what makes a person hxc?

    I know what sxc mean = straightedge.

    like, hardcore ppl that believe in no sex before marriage, no drugs or alcohol, stuff like that.

    but what does hxc mean?

    just hardcore?

    what makes a person hxc? what do they believe in?

    please answer my question seriously; if u can't answer it, then don't. i reallllly want to know

    7 個解答MySpace1 十年前
  • What does hxc mean and what makes a person hxc?

    I know what sxc mean = straightedge.

    like, hardcore ppl that believe in no sex before marriage, no drugs or alcohol, stuff like that.

    but what does hxc mean?

    just hardcore?

    what makes a person hxc? what do they believe in?

    please answer my question seriously; if u can't answer it, then don't. i reallllly want to know

    2 個解答Other - Society & Culture1 十年前
  • Does it really matter what type of sponge i use for makeup applications?

    I want to get some MAC makeup. I was looking through their website for products today (i've never tried MAC makeup before) and i'm wondering does it really matter what type of sponge i use for makeup applications? I know some sponges are used for different things, but would it really make a difference to me? Please help! and thanks for responding if you do =)

    7 個解答Makeup1 十年前
  • Clear bubble on rim of eye?

    I have a clear bubble on the rim of my eye right now. i tend to get these a LOT; and i mean a LOT.

    i looked up stye and it doesn't apper to be a stye. this is a BUBBLE; NOT A BUMP! it doesn't look severe either. i know it's nothing since i always had this thing showing up for years..i just want to know what is IS!

    to remove it, i just scratch it off with my nail..i don't know if this is a good way to remove it but it always bugs the crap outta me when i do have it; once i scratch it off, it's gone like that.

    please state sources!!

    *****best answer gets major pointage!!!*****

    2 個解答Optical1 十年前
  • Rating someone.?

    Do i get points for rating someone?

    or do i get points for someone rating me?

    (good ratings, of course)

    4 個解答Yahoo Answers1 十年前
  • Tarzan and George?

    What is the difference between Tarzan and George of the Jungle?

    I know there IS a difference;

    but, what about?

    please state thoroughly.

    best answer gets 10 points!


    1 個解答Comics & Animation1 十年前
  • avatar on yahoo answers?

    is there any way to look at someone's FULL avatar on yahoo answers instead of just the face?

    (like, the clothes or the background)

    thanks =)

    2 個解答Yahoo Answers1 十年前
  • does my teacher like me?

    I have this teacher..and i like him..i like him a LOT. i'm pretty damn sure he knows it too..i'm wondering..if he likes me too..i'm NOT saying that anything will happen cuz i'm pretty damn sure nothing will. i JUST wanna know if he likes me..okay. here are some things.

    i think one time when i went to his desk he started smiling at me and i SWEAR he looked at my chest! :O

    i remember one time i was feeling sad..he came to my desk and squatted down near me and tried to make me laugh..

    when someone was coming in, he got up and pretended like he wasn't talking to me..

    he likes to hang out near my desk, he'll stand there around the desk while the class is watching the movie.

    are these definite signs of flirtation?

    serious answers, please.

    i really want to know.

    i am in high school.

    12 個解答Other - Family & Relationships1 十年前
  • puking green?

    i remember when i was in high school i felt so sick i puked in the girl's bathroom (good thing this was during classes)

    this GREEN stuff came up thru my mouth and nose.

    i STILL don't know to this day what it was.

    the school nurse said i didn't have a fever, but yet when i drank a sprite THAT'S when i thrown up.

    does anyone know?

    links will be GREATLY appreciated.

    the best answer gets 10 points =)

    7 個解答Other - Health1 十年前
  • morning-after pill?

    i wanna get the morning-after pill;

    i heard in some states u can get them over the counter.

    can i get these in the state of georgia?

    and is walmart a good place?

    thanks =)

    3 個解答Pregnancy1 十年前
  • Yahoo Points for the day?

    Is there any way i can know how many points i have posted for the day so far?

    i know there's a place that tells me how many TOTAL points i have.

    I have NO clue on where to look; did i miss it?

    I hate it when i REALLLY want to answer a question but it tells me i'm done for the day =(

    4 個解答Yahoo Answers1 十年前
  • The Morning-After Pill (number 2)?

    this is a post from someone about 2 months ago:

    I've taken the morning after pill twice 5 years ago, and I remember feeling very, very sick and experiencing very excruciating stomach pains just hours after taking the pill, not to mention bleeding for up to two weeks thereafter. It is something I definitely do NOT want to experience again.

    will all women experience this?

    or just some?

    please list sources; that would be a big help =)

    2 個解答Pregnancy1 十年前
  • Falling in a dream?

    I heard that falling in a dream is bad or something.

    but in one of my dreams,

    i was falling..

    and i didn't feel scared.

    i felt happy, the rush of wind flowing beneath me =)

    what does this mean?

    3 個解答Dream Interpretation1 十年前
  • Is there really a difference in tweezers?

    I heard there is.

    I hear girls saying to use the best pair of tweezers.

    does it really matter?

    i know there are some with grips on them (which is what i am using)

    i know there's some where the handles are longer and thicker.

    but i haven't really noticed a difference in anything else.

    is there really a difference?

    and why?

    13 個解答Other - Beauty & Style1 十年前