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owning pets / animals isn't slavery?
Cats- they leave if they want to. I've took in a stray who left and chose to be my pet. My cats have a cat flap and can leave if they please but don't.
Animals show love if they are given love. I understand if you have a dog and lock it in a room or a cage but it's not the case with people who love animals.
Animals have been domesticated to the point some wouldn't survive on their own.
So my question finally.. How is owning a pet slavery? (I understand some circumstances and I really want to know)
20 個解答Other - Pets5 年前Vegan views on backyard chicken eggs?
Rescued chickens from a sanctuary.. I got told the chickens eat the eggs but..... I used to take one from the 5 eggs laid and the other 4 were never eaten so I did it for a few months and they never ate the eggs??? I never take all the eggs just one but the rest end up wasted?
4 個解答Vegetarian & Vegan5 年前Are there any Christians that have studied religious education?
I just wondered because in my years of doing R.E I've never met one hardcore Christian. I've met one Christian but even they questioned God's existence.
He wasn't those stupid ones either he believed in many scientific theories but also believed in God.
12 個解答Religion & Spirituality5 年前Vegan/vegetarian's view on dissection?
This past few weeks in my sciences we could look at an eye dissection and dissect heart and lungs of a lamb.
(Btw I am all for these lifestyles I'm not trying to bash any, it's just an innocent question)
So I wondered if being a vegan or vegetarian would you be against doing this?
I would say that doing this gives you knowledge of the bodies/body parts of animals for the future of helping animals? One simple example, a vet.
9 個解答Vegetarian & Vegan5 年前Reasons hunters hunt ANIMALS?!?
Wild animals have no guilty conscience? They survive and kill/attack when they have to not for fun.
So why do hunters do it for fun to an animal that has done nothing wrong, innocent trying to survive in THEIR home?
There are no valid reasons I've yet come across.
9 個解答Zoology5 年前Released mouse? Will it survive? find its family?
Will it find its nest and family? Will it survive the cold and fear?
Woke up at 2 am to squeaking and a found a poor mouse cornered by my 2 cats. It was frozen in fear so I caught it gave it a raisin which is was too frightened to eat and released it. I released it near some grass/a gap from a garage and wall with wood in the gap and trees near the other side of the gap. (I don't know if it went that way it was dark)
Will it find its nest and family? Will it survive the cold and fear?
5 個解答Other - Home & Garden5 年前God is made up for unexplained things?
The belief in God started when?
It's a different answer depending on what you believe but people started praying to the God's when they had no explanation.
When the sun came up and went down millions of years ago people would pray to gods so it would come back up again and it did, we figured out later it would've come back up anyway. So science proved that without praying to God the sun would've still rose and now we science has improved we know that praying to God or the supernatural won't cure illness like people used to think and hope?
The things that have no explanation is filled in with God but like before when they eventually were figured out by science this is likely to happen so why do people still fill in gaps with God like they're not educated in the history of religion and how people used religion, God was used when there was no other explanation, there is now.
This is just one belief I respect everyone's belief and everyone's entitled to believe in whatever they want as long as it's peaceful and doesn't harm anyone else :)
9 個解答Religion & Spirituality5 年前Mormon caffeine ban false? BS?
I know some Mormons who don't drink coffee and tea because of the caffeine which I respect but I recently read that Mormons can drink coke and all that..
Anyway they're not aloud hot drinks I read which I think they mean coffee and tea because I know they drink hot milk or fruit tea?
But the man who came up with this Joseph Smith didn't ban hot chocolate which he had shares in so made money off? Can someone explain as hot cocoa has caffeine in so does coke and ice tea and so on?
12 個解答Religion & Spirituality5 年前God accepts animal cruelty?
No where in the bible does it directly address cruelty on animals? Although you could interpret caring and looking after Gods world and creation, many people may overlook it does that mean because it's not specifically been said animal abusers get into heaven? They're not committing a sin?
I had this discussion with my religions teacher and didn't get a clear answer if there is one.
9 個解答Religion & Spirituality5 年前Alcoholism. Risk of drinking 2+ bottles of wine a day? (20 units+) for more than 10 years?
Alcoholism. Risk of drinking 2+ bottles of wine a day? (20 units+) for more than 10 years?
2 個解答Other - General Health Care6 年前Is this the right way to use train?
If someone's going on a jog is it training? They're doing it to "loose weight"
1 個解答Diet & Fitness6 年前Not sexually active but vaginal warts?
Never had sex or anything but I have vaginal warts on my lips inner ones both on the actual inside and out. How can I get rid of them? I need to as I don't want to go to the doctor because I already hate my vagina and how it looks
2 個解答Women's Health6 年前How to write/visit someone in prison?
I want to communicate with someone in prison, not some 'chav' that's been locked up for stealing crisps for his friends or a football fan who got in a fight but a serious criminal. Is there any way I could do so like write to them? Or visit them? Or write to them to ask if I can visit them? I'm under 18 which may impact my ability to do so.
I don't know anyone in prison but I want to understand and get to know people and how they think and other lifestyles.
6 個解答Law Enforcement & Police6 年前Can you visit anyone in prison? Uk?
So I want to go and talk to people in prison not for anything but just to get to know people in prison and I don't mean for an assault but serious criminals. Is that possible in the UK and if so how old do you have to be?
8 個解答Law Enforcement & Police6 年前Unconscious for over 2 weeks?
Is that possible? What's the longest it could happen for?
3 個解答Other - General Health Care6 年前