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Almost half of the radiators could be salvaged, and used for heat exchangers for new homes. If not, why not?
Every month thousands of cars and trucks are crushed in most metropolitan locations. Almost half of the radiators could be salvaged, and used for heat exchangers for new homes. If not, why not? On the North side of the house, a small fan could blow cool air into the house, pressurizing the house slightly. This would reduce dust and insect entry. Smaller amounts of cool air from near the floor would pass though the former water part of the radiator, slightly cooling the incoming air. The other advantage is fresh air for the house
1 個解答Other - Home & Garden5 年前Should allow editing for about one day. Frequently, I answer the newest question on my screen after refreshing,?
then find I cannot edit, because the asker has chosen the best answer. Apparently some people see the new questions, minutes before I can. My typos will endure forever. More characters allowed on the question screen would also improve answers? The asking process obviously confuses some askers.
4 個解答Yahoo Answers6 年前What is new with hydrogen powered vehicles. Cost was 3 times equivalent of gasoline, pure enough for fuel cells will be even more costly.?
Pressurized to 10,000 psi, perhaps 15,000 psi will be less safe than gasoline, propane or CNG = compressed natural gas. Initial cost at least double equivalent gas powered vehicles.
3 個解答Alternative Fuel Vehicles6 年前Boone's army?
3 個解答Civic Participation6 年前How do I delete an ad?
The yahoo ad seriously interferes with typing answers to questions on answers yahoo. What can I do? The only readable portion says "A personalized news stream" and "Get app" I can move ever thing on the screen with the right and left arrows on my monitor and/or keyboard, except the ad which stays in the lower left corner. My vision is poor so I am typically zoomed in 200% to 300%. I use a desk top with windows 8 and other usual. Is there a way to move the ad or remove it?
3 個解答Software7 年前The new daily slap in the face from yahoo halves the useful area of my monitor. What can I do?
I would not "Get the App", even if I wanted "A personalized news stream" disparately from a source that would do that to my monitor. The ad has been there for weeks, but up to yesterday it disappeared from the screen when I clicked. This morning it has followed me from "Science and Math to "Yahoo Products" I'm really angry. What can I do?
1 個解答Other - Yahoo Products7 年前There are 100 reasons why Earth cannot be significantly hollow, but advanced beings can build hollow, even bigger?
We, or they, need a material millions of times stronger than rock to build a thin shell about the size of Jupiter. Because it is thin, and has vacuum inside, and it is 60,000 kilometers to the mass center, it has much less surface gravity than Earth. The surface gravity will increase when we add a thin veneer of earth material plus an atmosphere to the outside surface, which will behave much like Earth in most respects. How will it be different and can we fly space craft in the vacuum inside? Feel free to get off topic.
6 個解答Astronomy & Space7 年前Humans are progressing slowly toward megaprojrcts in the past two centuries, so perhaps they will be spectacular by the year 2999?
Quite soon, we can send robot probes to many asteroids to separate elements and useful compounds from what the probe finds there. When and, if later a mega project in our solar system is desired, the materials can be assembled from the stock piles on many asteroids. The delta v is much less than obtaining these materials from Earth's surface and delivery often takes less than a year even by cheapest transportation. A year delay is a minor problem for a mega project, if we plan ahead. The only downside I think of, is there is no return on the investment in asteroid mining the first century, or however long it is until a mega project is willing to pay for the material. Please suggest ways to make this practical, soon, as we may not have until 2999 to establish extensive off Earth human habitats = Earth may be back in the dark ages much sooner. We won't build megaprojects, if the cost is too high. I'm reminded of the 19th century railroads that often produced no profit until the 20th century, but today's technology would be decades behind if we had not done railroads nor the interstate highway system.
3 個解答Astronomy & Space7 年前It is 12:20 EDT, but no sign of the lunar eclipse, here in Jacksonville, Florida, USA?
It is 4/15/2014. Total lunar eclipse is usually less than one hour over a rather narrow path. Can someone help with details for this eclipse? The moon is slightly SE of directly over head now.
2 個解答Astronomy & Space7 年前I'm thinking, few people use math beyond introductry algebra in their life work, and often there are other ways?
such as trial and error estimates, graphical solutions, hand books and tables, google and Wikipedia. How about a college though PHD that teaches alternate math for such things as differential equations, and much more advanced. I suspect there are great minds out there who just can't grasp very advanced math.
3 個解答Mathematics7 年前Answers. yahoo asks me to change my avastar about every third attempt to post, so I loose my answer.?
I changed the picture but I'm still unable to submit every third answer. It just shifts the window to the right instead of posting it. I've hit submit about ten times but it does not post.
3 個解答Yahoo Answers7 年前I own an Emerson LC391EM3 TV, likely manufactureed for USA, late 2012. Will I get a significantly better?
picture, if I pay Comcast cable service extra money for high definition? We are quite satisfied with the picture quality.TV is 1920 by 1080 pixels 60 hertz aspectratio 16.9
tuner ATSC/NTSC. Will our other 20 year old TVs quit working if we get high definition? The Emerson owner's manual does not seem to answer any of these questions. It does not even say the TV is HD capable, but I suppose it is.
2 個解答TVs7 年前Even though Unions don't like flex time, I think it can be good. Please help me figure out rules and details?
An employee who arrives and leaves at his or her whim or convenience, deserves a bit less pay as everyone else needs to work around their non-schedule, so supervisors will occasionally need to ask their best self starters to come to work at an inconvenient time. A small bonus should be paid for each requested arrival. Disadvantage: Some workers will contrive their arrivals, and departures so as to collect these small bonuses for themselves and their friends, but others will try harder to be self starters so as to get a bonus more often. Even the contrivers will get a better grasp of the needs of the company, and thus are potential supervisors. Time and a half for overtime is too much pay, unless the overtime is at employer request, but 10% may be beneficial to the employee, as highly motivated workers accomplish considerably more when they work long hours. Letting self starters work up to 300 hours some months, may be good for the employer, due to improving the workers skills and making a second job (or different employment) less necessary for that employee. Also some employees will arrange their personal schedule to accommodate what they perceive as corporate needs = these employers are potential managers who may prove very valuable to the company. Mediocre people and worse will think it is unfair to give extra compensation to the best of the best, but I think this is a means to advance all of society. Both the carrot and the stick motivate some people. Please more details.
2 個解答Small Business7 年前Liftport lunar space elevator?
The lunar elevator will be anchored near the center of the portion of the moon visible from Earth. The ribbon will point toward Earth passing close to the Earth Moon L1. The ribbon can be up to about 200,000 miles long clearing the Earth's Geo sychronous orbit by about 7000 to about 70,000 miles. The circumference of the path is about 1,256,000 miles in about 27 days = 46,519 miles per day = 1938 miles per hour, which will vary somewhat. A space craft at the tip can be released so as to be flung toward Earth (or toward any other destination, except the Moon) at about that speed. The craft will enter Earth's atmosphere a few hours after release or Mars atmosphere a few years after release, assuming the release instant is optimum. (The tip swings like a pendulum and lengthens and shortens periodically) With additional propulsion the craft can get to Mars sooner, but propulsion will be needed to slow down for a soft landing at Mars or one of the tiny moons of Mars. Please refute, embellish or correct.
2 個解答Astronomy & Space7 年前If I add one drop of tinture of iodine to my food weekly, is there a downside?
My low salt diet possibly does not provide enough iodine
3 個解答Medicine7 年前