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匿名 發問於 社會及文化語言 · 5 月前

請問為什麼pleasure 沒有榮幸的意思但是 my pleasure 的意思卻是我的榮幸?

5 個解答

  • 5 月前

    西方人打屁謙虛的時候會用"my pleasure"來表示客氣.事實上有無榮幸,樂趣,或是氣憤,都是令人懷疑的.



  • 5 月前


  • 5 月前


    請詳見 my pleasure部分

  • 5 月前

    pleasure n

    (1)feeling of being happy or satisfied

    eg:-Has he gone abroad for pleasure or on Buz?

    eg"-His mang life is given to pleasure senuous.

    eg:-Will you join us ?--Thank you, with pleasure?!

    eg:-May we have the pleasure of your company for dinner?

    eg:-Some men take great pleasure in dancingTW night clubs!

    eg:-This is a pleasure seeking age ?!

    (2)my pleasure:-

    eg:-It gives me much pleasure to introduce English Tsai, president TW.=my pleasure.

  • YIP
    Lv 7
    4 月前

    感覺到榮幸==feel honored 
