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? 發問於 Society & CultureEtiquette · 5 年前

When do you say thank you?

I always say thank you to my friends or anyone when they did me a favor like handing me the plate over the table. But I see a lot of times in the moves or tv series where people don't? So I'm thinking if it's because they're close friends or family and the same rule for etiquette doesn't apply?

10 個解答

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 年前

    I recently had a friend who called me out on me saying thank you every second of the day for any little helpful thing.

    In her eyes, we are friends and friendship is the eternal thank you. Saying it too much means they have to say it back and it makes them feel repetitive and interrupted while they are doing a task.

    I know it sounds weird but yeah, some people are like that. It gets to the point from moving away from politeness to obsequiousness

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 年前

    Courtesy is not suspended or withheld in the presence of family members or those we care about most. You could get away without saying it on occasion, but it would be an indication that, for some unknown reason, you are less polite than before. Is that what you'd like?

  • 匿名
    5 年前

    There are a lot of things you don't see in movies or tv series - people going to the bathroom before they leave the house, people looking up a phone number before they dial, cops locking their cars before walking off and leaving them on the street. Scriptwriters and directors leave out these things in order to concentrate on moving the story forward; it's a convention, and in no way represents reality.

  • 匿名
    5 年前

    Most people know when please and thank you are needed yet some choose not to use them through arrogance, ignorance or poor parenting. TV is not a reflection of real life so you carry on with your good manners and pity those who dont use theirs.

  • Laurie
    Lv 7
    5 年前

    People should use courtesy with their family and close friends; after all, these are the people they love. For the same reason, we cut our loved ones some slack when they are more casual, especially about everyday actions.

    However, I have a friend who DEMANDS everyone who interacts with her say, "Please" and "Thank you" for EVERYTHING: For example, someone says, "Would you please pass the butter?" She picks up the butter and holds it in front of them, but refuses to let go of it until they say, "Thank you."

    Now, THAT is rude! VERY rude!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 年前

    Whenever you are appreciative!!! Why take examples of etiquette from such poor sources as the tv???

    Have a polite day.

    Etiquette takes over where laws end.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 年前

    You should always say thank you after receiving an excellent spanking.

  • I thank people for everything. Keep up the good work you're already doing!

  • 5 年前

    never stop saying thank you its nice. holding the door open is good to. smiling is awesome. giving to charity is epically great.

  • 5 年前

    its cause they just dont have manners
