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我用了conditional formatting裡的icon sets, 就發現「橫向」的黃色箭嘴有些問題, 因我想比較H列及G列的分數, 若H列的分數比G列的分數低則顯示紅色箭嘴而非黃色箭嘴, 問各位有何方法解決呢? 謝謝!
Can you introduce another way to show such kind of comparison? I want to have a big picture showing which students have performed improving results. Thanks.
1 個解答
- 6 年前最愛解答
Bear in mind that:
You cannot use relative references in Conditional Formatting criteria for color scales, data bars, and icon sets.
You may introduce conditional formatting to each cell on column H one by one, i.e. format 9 times. In each cell, after selection of icon sets, go to "Edit rules",
on the Green icon row, choose when value is ">",choose Type "Formula", value is "$G$n" (where n is the current row number); on the Yellow icon row, choose when value is ">=", choose Type "Formula", value is "$G$n".
After clicking OK, the cell would be able to display the 3-colour icon based on the comparison of two cell values.
2015-02-03 19:19:04 補充:
Another way is to conditionally formatting the cells with red yellow green colours.