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Lv 4
Dustin 發問於 社會及文化語言 · 7 年前

《評論》冇被打的話, 佢可能仲喺度嘆緊音樂 (英文)?


I was late to submit my answer. The following was my answer.


(如果)冇被打的話, 佢"可能"仲喺度嘆緊音樂 (英文)?

佢可能 = he would (probably)

仲喺度 = still be around/here

嘆緊音樂 = listening to music; enjoying music

The sentence is a conditional sentence for sure, but it should be a Type 2 condition according to the meaning of Chinese text.

For Type 2 conditional, it is possible 可能 but very unlikely, that the condition (佢仲喺度嘆緊音樂) will be fulfilled.

Together with the subordinate clause (in past tense), the whole sentence would be:

If he was not hit (by somebody or something), he would still be here enjoying music.

--- OR ---

If he was not beaten, he would still be listening to music (here).

HOWEVER, if 發問者 wants to express a Type 3 conditional (situation in the past), the Chinese text should be written as:

(1) 假如冇被打的話, 佢"就會"喺度嘆音樂 。

If he had not been hit, he would have been here enjoying music.

(The fact in the past: he was hit and he was not here to enjoy music)

(2) 假如冇被打的話, 佢"應該會"享受聽音樂 。

If he had not been hit, he would have enjoyed listening to music.

(The fact in the past: he was hit and he did not enjoy listening to music)

3 個解答

  • Dustin
    Lv 4
    7 年前

    妙論! 妙論!

    所以很多人不喜歡聽 "假設" 的說話 (type-3 conditional)。

  • 匿名
    7 年前

    冇被打的話, 佢可能仲喺度嘆緊音樂 Had he not been beaten, he might still be enjoying music as he was enjoying before.

    2014-11-22 19:09:10 補充:

    佢原本嘆緊音樂 He was enjoying music, , 然後佢被打咗then he was beaten,而加佢唔喺度嘆緊音樂He is not enjoying music anymore.

    原本嘆緊音樂 , 然後佢被打咗--->唔一定引致而加唔喺度嘆緊音樂;係可能另有原因嘅,好似夠鐘食飯喇。所以就算佢冇被打,都可能唔再嘆音樂。


  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 年前


    Well done! I couldn’t agree more!

    雖然我是第一個 respond, 我有 element of doubt

    不大了解發問者的句子言及, 前因後果

    不敢直接地解答, 只有在意見區表意見
