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exponential & logarithmic

1. solve the equation e^(x) - 4 + 4e^(-x) = 0

2.solve the equation log 10(x2)= (log10 x)2


2nd edition :

2.solve the equation log 10(x^2)= (log10 x)^2

1 個解答

  • 8 年前

    1. Solve the equation e^(x) - 4 + 4e^(-x) = 0

    Let y = e^x

    e^(x) - 4 + 4e^(-x) = 0

    y - 4 + 4/y = 0

    y² - 4y + 4 = 0

    (y - 2)² = 0

    y = 2

    e^x = 2

    x = ln(2)

    2. Solve the equation log(x²) = (log x)²

    log(x²) = (log x)²

    2*log(x) = (log x)²

    (log x)² - 2(log x) = 0

    (log x)(log x - 2) = 0

    log x = 0 or log x = 2

    x = 10⁰ or x = 10²

    x = 1 or x = 100
