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In that 'Rescue Panther' commercial?

WHAT is the guy saying as he's laying next to the wife in bed and the panther is watching from the dresser?

It sounds sort of like 'I think he sees me', but it's too mumbled to make out clearly.


I think Empress has it right.

But like Steve, I think most everyone who saw the commercial has problems with that. Not sure if it's a plus or minus for the ad, but that leopard.... PERFECT acting.

5 個解答

  • 最愛解答

    I believe he starts to say "I think I might...' but the wife interrupts by shushing him very quickly. Very hard to understand, had to try to watch the guys lips move.

    It might possibly be 'I think I'm late' too though.

  • 4 年前

    Rescue Panther

  • I thought it was something like "I think I'm sleeping" or "I think I'm asleep" The point of the commercial being that you will sleep better with x company product that with trying to do it yourself.

    資料來源: the TV
  • 9 年前

    Something like that... they are afraid to blink due to possible attack. lol.

    *wants rescue panther*

  • 9 年前

    I just feel better knowing I'm not the only one who can't tell.
