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Lv 7
VIc 發問於 科學及數學數學 · 10 年前


If the letters of the word PROBABILITY are arranged at random,find the number if arrangements that the two B's are separated.

1 個解答

  • ?
    Lv 7
    10 年前

    No. of all possible arrangements = 11!/(2! x 2!) = 9979200

    since in 11 letters, there are 2 B's and 2 I's

    Instead, we can count the no. of arrangements that 2 B's are together, i.e. we can treat it as if there were 10 letters in which 2 are the same (the 2 I's)

    So no. of poss. arrangements that 2 B's are together is:

    10!/2! = 1814400

    Hence no. of possible arrangements that the B's are separated is:

    9979200 - 1814400 = 8164800

    資料來源: 原創答案