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徐偉國 發問於 科學及數學數學 · 10 年前




1 個解答

  • 10 年前

    There several method!

    Method 1: formula

    For a cubic equation,


    with a is non zero real number

    and the root are x1 , x2 , x3


    Method 2: calculator

    for casio fx-3650p, set the following programme in CMPLX mode

    ?→A: ?→B: ?→C: ?→M:

    B÷3A→B: BCM-: B3 + M÷2A→M: B2 - C÷3A→C: M2 - C3→A:

    √Abs Ans => Ans∠ . 5 arg A: Ans - M - 2Ans(Ans=M→A:

    3√ Abs Ans => Ans∠3-1 arg A→A: Abs C => C÷A→C:

    MM-: Lbl 0: 1∠ 5!oM: A Ans + C÷Ans-B◢ 2>MM+ => Goto 0: 0

    for casio fx-5ofh, set the following programme in CMPLX mode

    ?→A: ?→B: ?→C: ?→D: B3 - 9┘2A( BC - 3DA→D: B2 - 3AC→C: D2 - C3→X:

    √( Abs( Ans => Ans∠( . 5 arg(X: Ans - D - 2Ans(Ans=D→X:

    3√( Abs(Ans => Ans∠(3-1 arg(X→X: Abs(C => C┘X→C:

    For 0→D To 2: 1∠(5!oD: (X Ans + C┘Ans-B)┘(3A◢ Next for other types of calculator you can fine the programme by yourself

    2011-07-31 07:37:28 補充:

    if you don't want to use calculator , you can use remainder theorem to solve the cubic equation.
