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Question concerning differential forms?
In regards to the response by JCS here:;_ylt=AkPiG...
In particular, where he says:
"dxdy = dx∧dy (it's a 2-form)
Where the "∧" is an algebraic operation called the exterior product; again, it's a generalization of the more familiar exterior product on R^3."
Why is it not instead the following, at least for a 2-form?
dxdy = |dx∧dy|
And in more general terms, are n-forms going to be something like
dx1dx2...dxn = |dx∧dx2∧...∧dxn|
And how is this generating Stokes theorem from de Rham's Theorem?
I have read the proof of de Rham's Theorem, after working out a satisfactory justification of it, but was unable to figure out the connection between the differential form in question and the Stokes Theorem in R^3...
Also, I would appreciate hints on arriving at Gauss' Theorem and Green's Theorem from de Rham's, but in particular, Stokes Theorem is the focus.
Thank you very much...
Matt: I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I've been trying to figure out how this works...
In the 2-d case, I guess it would be the parallelogram spanned by dx∧dy, but in higher dimension cases, is it going to be just the exterior product of all of the differential elements?
I'm just having a hard time grasping how this gets put together...
and thank you, Matt...I'm at least beginning to see why certain things work out in this manner...and how they extend to such things as manifold calculus...
an question is stupid...some are silly and extraneous, but none are stupid...
so my apolgies for a possibly extraneous and silly question..heh...
but that does make a lot more sense, though it does make me wonder why books don't adopt this notation earlier (like early real analysis/measure theory texts)
1 個解答
- MαttLv 61 十年前最愛解答
dxdy ≠ |dx∧dy|
because it is not a magnitude.
differential forms are a way to extend the theorems from vector calculus to R^n. The wedge produce or exterior product extends the cross product to R^n. dxdy = dx∧dy is just a notational difference. Some books use dxdy and others use dx∧dy. I think that the wedge notation is better because it is clearer, for example
dx∧dx = 0
where as dxdx implies (dx)²
dx∧dy = -dx∧dy
Recall that the wedge product is anti-commutative
From analytic geometry you know that if you have two vectors in R^2 |v×u| is the area of the parallelogram, and in R^3 |v×u| is the volume of the paralleliped. In terms of differential forms dx ∧dy is not an ‘area’ or ‘volume’, it is more like a unit vector if you will like 5i + 6j. It carries no value but is used to determine what quantities contribute when you compute the exterior derivative, used in the generalization of Stokes’s Theorem.
I am not familiar with all of the details on de Rham's Theorem, but you should realize that Green’s Theorem and Stokes theorems are just special cases of the Gauss Divergence theorem, (multi-dimensional integration by parts). In fact, once I finished vector calculus I never heard it referred to anything other than the Divergence theorem.