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  • 護理實務相關用語求解?


    4 星期前
  • vaccine question 6?

    6. A vaccine is considered cost-effective if

    A. Vaccine efficacy is high enoughB. The cost-effectiveness ratio of vaccination is low enoughC. The cost of the vaccine is low enoughD. The vaccine prevents enough economic losses in the wider economy

    1 個解答3 月前
  • vaccine question 5 ?

    5. If the efficacy of a vaccine is 50% and coverage is 80%, what is effective vaccine coverage?

    A. 30%

    B. 40%

    C. 50%

    D. 80%

    3 月前
  • vaccine question 4?

    Which of the following may cause vaccine uptake to decline?

    A. Decreasing incidence of the disease being prevented

    B. Rumours about vaccines causing serious adverse effects

    C. Lack of communication and social mobilisation activities accompanying vaccination programmes

    D. All of the

    3 月前