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What would be the best time or day to post this sort of question?
I think I have a great idea about first date conversation starters, and I would like to get others' opinions on them. I think they can work for ages 14-64. If people think they are good, I will post a blog about it. Actually, it’s more of a funny “verbal game” you could play when you notice you are both nervous, and you can’t begin a conversation. I would go into it in more detail, but it will take quite a bit of typing as explanation.
So when, in your opinion, would be the best time or day of the week to post this sort of question so I get the most responses? I don’t want to have to just sit and wait until I see the questions pop up about “what to talk about on a first date,” even though I see those frequently.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
1 個解答Yahoo Answers8 年前Fellow cigarette smokers - do you chain smoke sometimes?
If anyone is unfamiliar with the term chain smoking, it means having cigarette after cigarette, and quickly.
I have frequent pain and take pain medicine almost as frequently (legally prescribed.) The problem is, they both make me chain smoke. I also do it while social drinking in the one club I know that allows smoking inside - it’s a private club - but I don’t do that very often at all. I find myself not even realizing I’m doing it until I realize the pack I just opened is already half empty or when I realize my throat is sore!
Do you have things that make you chain smoke, and how do you deal with it? I would really like to stop it. I am OK with my smoking, but this is ridiculous!
I’m hoping for answers other than just willpower. Face it, if I had any willpower when it came to smoking, I would have quit already!
Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have!
4 個解答Other - General Health Care8 年前TSA rules and cigarette lighters?
I haven’t flown in a while, and I’m leaving the country (USA). Are cigarette lighters OK in my purse or carry-on now? Do they have to go in my checked bag? If I can, I will put 1 or 2 in each place, just so they don’t get lost. TSA rules say nothing about them at all, anymore. Am I safe to assume you can carry them in your purse or pocket now?
Air Travel8 年前Are new episodes of Being Human airing on the BBC in England?
I’m in the US, and had been watching the British show Being Human, but I haven’t seen it on BBC America lately. We have started an American version, which is also good, that airs on our SyFy network. I’m wondering if they no longer air the British version here because of that, or because your version was canceled in the UK.
The problem is that I became somewhat attached to your characters, and am wondering what has come of them. The plot lines in the two versions had already begun diverging, so what happened to our ghost, vampire, and werewolf was no longer a mirror of what happened to yours.
If you are curious - our vampire couple, who are named Josh and Nora here, never got pregnant, but just got married; our Sally, the ghost, was brought back to her flesh body, but has since become a ghost again and might be in serious trouble now; our vampire, who is Aiden here, found a cure for a deadly vampire “virus” in werewolf blood, but that has gone terribly awry.
Also, what are (were?) the names used for your 3 or 4 main characters again? I think the US version only shared the names Sally and Nora. Please let me know if I am mistaken.
I’m not asking anyone to write a novel as an answer, but please let me know about the show, and the major plot twists if there have been any. I would greatly appreciate if you could do that.
2 個解答Drama8 年前A question for people who write G-d ---?
I do know why this is done, but I don’t know why it applies to the word god - which is most likely of German sources. There may a better explanation of the etymology of the word here -
but I’m not sure this is of note or more of a coincidence, as the link points out.
No matter what the root of the word is, aren’t religious scholars in agreement that God, in whatever form of the word, is not the name of the almighty? Isn’t it widely accepted that we, as humans, are not privy to the Lord’s actual name? If so, then why do we bother to protect the word God in its written form by writing G-d? I can more easily understand Jews, for an example, writing Ad-nai, because that pertains more to the “actual’ name of their Lord. And please forgive my ignorance - I believe I’ve noticed Muslims doing the same, but I haven’t seen All-h, which would make much more sense to me.
Also, out of curiosity, do you also write g-d when referring to other “beings” that are called gods, such as Thor or Zeus? If the word itself is sacred, does it matter if it is capitalized as G-d or written as god(s)?
I hope I’ve made my point clear, and I would much rather have posted this question in more of a back and forth discussion-based site, but I’m afraid I don’t know of one.
Thank you for your time in reading, and I hope, answering this. Please note that I’m not asking if you believe any certain faith or whether gods and/or goddess exist. This question is only directed at those who write G-d out of respect.
2 個解答Religion & Spirituality8 年前Just what does it take to get someone shut down on Y!A?
I was watching an account earlier because one of the questions seemed like a really funny troll or a really bitter person. I went to their history to see which one before I bothered to give a serious answer. When looking at their previous answers, I saw someone who was repeatedly copying and pasting an answer that gave out another person’s name and personal information, was slanderous and/or libelous, and was irrelevant to and made no attempt to answer the question originally asked. I went to report one and I got the page that says that the question was unavailable, and when I did get back to the question the “bad” answer was gone. So, obviously someone other than myself was reporting these answers. I returned to the history. and saw only 1 point left in that person’s account. Still, I reported a few of these same answers, and I saw that the other person(s) was doing it, too. After many of these, and a long time, the “bad” answerer made their history private. I found still more by looking throughout the latest category they had been copying and pasting to.
BUT, they must have been in the negative numbers as far as points go for a while. How long are people still allowed to answer questions once that happens? They seem to have wandered off for now, and their points are back up to 6. That means they posted the same illegal (and possibly damaging) answer many times.
What does it take to get someone out of here? Is it just taking forever because it’sSunday, and no one is minding the store? Will anything ever get done about that? Or will they just start a new account and keep doing it?
4 個解答Yahoo Answers8 年前Pi equals 3??????????????
I heard someone say that Pi was equal to 3 because it’s in the Bible. How is that even possible? I am 100% sure that Pi is not mentioned in any book of the Bible, so how can someone have interpreted that Pi was not equal to 3.14...(etc.) because of scripture?
13 個解答Religion & Spirituality8 年前Why are they even bothering to inaugurate Obama again?
With the state of our economy in the US, why are they spending megabucks to make a big deal out of the inauguration of a sitting president? As I understand it, there are even going to be two ceremonies - a private one and a public one. Even if the entertainers have donated their time, I’m sure the costs are astronomical, not to mention the money spent on security! Wouldn’t it just be better to have a small ceremony, and not waste all that?
Is an inauguration even legally necessary?
This is not a question asking your opinion of the president or his policies, so PLEASE don’t do that - just try to answer my question.
3 個解答Government8 年前Can someone tell me the difference between a TIA and the prodromal symptoms of a migraine?
I asked my doctor this at least a decade ago and she said you couldn’t tell. Has that changed in recent years? Also, if you get the classic numbing, auras and sensitivity to light, but never get the migraine pain, does that always mean it’s a TIA?
In either case, can anything be done? I am noticing little micro-stroke type of damage on my face, like one side is droopier than the other, and it seems to be the side that gets numb most often. That scares me into thinking what I’ve been writing off as avoided migraines for these past years has been something more serious. The numbness and other symptoms only last for a short while, just as they did when I got them before a painful migraine. Now I just don’t get the pain.
I don’t need to know what to do for migraine pain anymore. I know what OTC meds can control that enough for me. I apologize if I’m spelling or using prodromal incorrectly. I mean the warning signs.
I know the pain category isn’t the best place for this, but there is no neurological category.
2 個解答Pain & Pain Management8 年前I seem to be receiving email that comes from my own account?
I have Yahoo! mail, and I get mail in my spam folder that appears to come from my own email address. Can anyone explain how that can happen?
3 個解答Abuse and Spam9 年前Could someone try to tell me what tomatillos taste like?
I just learned that tomatillos are not related to tomatoes, but are a member of the gooseberry family. I hate tomatoes, but I love berries. Would I like tomatillos?
5 個解答Cooking & Recipes9 年前A question about thumbs-up points?
I know you get additional points for thumbs--ups when you get a best answer. I was wondering if you get any points when someone reads your answer after you've won, and gives you a thumbs-up then. I've found a few great answers through the "Discover questions" that sometimes appear at the bottom of the page. I'm hoping that the answerer gets a point when I express my approval.
3 個解答Yahoo Answers9 年前What are fans here? I was just looking at my activity page and...?
I just noticed I have a bunch of fans, but I've never seen a way to become a fan of someone else's, and I have no idea what being a fan does. Do they get links to your questions and answers, or what? Can anyone explain that to me?
1 個解答Yahoo Answers9 年前I know IVF has been used so that post-menopausal women can have a child, but?
is there any way to do so and still use the woman's DNA? I've heard of a 70 year old woman who had a child this way, but she had to use a donor egg.
2 個解答Trying to Conceive10 年前I have a question for vampire mythology fans. No young kids allowed.?
In Buffy and Angel, they keep saying Angel has no blood running through his veins. If true, then how does he get an erection? In the episode I just saw, he impregnated someone. Is this "symptom" common in other vampire mythology?
I've never seen or read Twilight. I want a more "historical" basis than just recent teen fiction.
7 個解答Books & Authors1 十年前Atheists, I have a friendly question?
Do you enjoy any fiction that is religion-based? I'm talking about movies, books, TV like The Devil's Advocate, The Exorcist, TV's Supernatural, even Jesus Christ Superstar or Bruce Almighty?
Be nice, please, I'm only referring to fiction that was written to be sold as fiction, not anyone's holy texts.
24 個解答Religion & Spirituality1 十年前Getting on a horse's right side?
I just watched a photo shoot at a racetrack on TV. The models were all getting on and off the horses' right sides. I thought that was a big no-no, but it never really made sense to me. Was I taught incorrectly?
11 個解答Horses1 十年前Why do so many people here believe the proper word to use is "MATHS"?
I haven't been in school for many years. Is this something new or just an epidemic?
6 個解答Mathematics1 十年前Can't remember how to do a Mac screen grab?
Can someone with a Mac please remind me? I remember it's something like Command (apple key) shift 3 but don't you also need the space bar for something?
3 個解答Programming & Design1 十年前