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Natural born murderah
from the ING
How can HHH be X-Pac's friend when Pac had sex with his EX?
if your friend Fked your ex will you still consider him as your friend?
7 個解答Wrestling10 年前If CM Punk and The Rock were in the same ring,do you think punk will be booed?
Punk is nowhere near the level of The Great One..
9 個解答Wrestling10 年前WWE HALL OF FAME?What kind of nonsense is it?
drew carey,bob ulcer,refrigerator and so many others who never worked for the company have been inducted but legends who helped the company kick off like Bruno Sammartino, Ivan Koloff,Stan Stasiak,Yokozuna and specially Bob Backlund have not been inducted..?if they dont induct Randy Savage in 2012 i gotta tell you WWE has to be the worst wrestling company...
5 個解答Wrestling10 年前Why does everyone love Zack ryder?
whats so good about him?he was good in ECW but now he is a comedian not a think he can carry the company?no way so stop chanting ryder ryder...ill tell you his gimmick the beginning it was all right now its getting all want to be famous try something else..dont bring some phony zack ryder signs to Raw so that he will feature you on his just speaking the truth...and YOU KNOW IT
6 個解答Wrestling10 年前your favorite Jabroni beatin la la low pie eating trail blazing......moment?
mine "jabroni beating lalalaow pie eating trail blazing eyebrow rising crystal clear have no fear make more money in one night than yall make in a year climb a tree scratch an itch make hulk hogan the rocks little btch"
4 個解答Wrestling10 年前Sting does not come to WWE because of dixie carter?
back in 2001 when wcw was purchased...sting was contacted by wwe...sting ordered Vince McMahon for a blowwwjob..he sent Stephanie and Linda....they were not so good...hence he did not want to join wwe...after two years an ex prostitute called dixie carter called sting and offered him a contract...20,000 and a blowwjob for an episode...sting loved it...he loved the way dixie f'd he decided to stay with that garbage wresting company instead of building a mega legacy facing greats like taker,michaels,rock,austin etc...think about it..all he said about mcmahon is BS...he did not t join wwe cause he was afraid the way hed be used thats totaL BS...
5 個解答Wrestling10 年前The best gimmick in WWE?
The biker Undertaker has to be the coolest of em all...dam he was so badass...wish he comesback as the american badass
check this video
14 個解答Wrestling10 年前Do you think there will be a new n.W.o at Vengeance?
Miz and R-truth vs HHH and Punk....HHH turns on Punk,Kevin Nash joins and all the 4 attack at Survivor Series we will have n.W.o vs Team Rock(cena,rock,punk and 2 other random good guys)do you think somethang like this will happen?
nobody else wins if someone wins he wins it back in a sick of this...he sucks...I WANT R-TRUTH TO BE CHAMP
11 個解答Wrestling10 年前maths is totally useless and unnecessary?
addition subtraction multiplication division...these are essential but waht the f am i gonna do by studying subjects like matrices and hyperbola in the future?my field of study is business and i cant understand why we have these useless chapters...its of no use...i dont have a clue what my teacher teaches i failed in my maths exam twice... i cant graduate if i dont pass in maths..dam...
8 個解答Mathematics10 年前Please give a list of your favorite downtempo/trip hop songs..?
and if you can suggest some songs for me...
1 個解答Other - Music10 年前I am going to fail my maths exam again what to do?
all i can say is i screwed my life by being lazy playing video games and wasting time...when i failed the first time my dad forgave me and asked me to take the retest....i wrote the retest,i know for sure i blew it up again...i have got a's in other subjects...but maths i cant understand it at all...anyway if i fail again im finished my dad is gonna take his size 10 boot turn it sideways and stick straight up my monkey *** carrer is over... i have to wait for another 1 year...meanwhile my cousins will be getting a job and earning some handsome money...but me dam....fdup....please friends say something give me some me...should i even be alive?
3 個解答Philosophy10 年前I am going to fail my maths exam again what to do?
all i can say is i screwed my life by being lazy playing video games and wasting time...when i failed the first time my dad forgave me and asked me to take the retest....i wrote the retest,i know for sure i blew it up again...i have got a's in other subjects...but maths i cant understand it at all...anyway if i fail again im finished my dad is gonna take his size 10 boot turn it sideways and stick straight up my monkey *** carrer is over... i have to wait for another 1 year...meanwhile my cousins will be getting a job and earning some handsome money...but me dam....fdup....please friends say something give me some me...should i even be alive?
3 個解答Mathematics10 年前I am going to fail my maths exam again what to do?
all i can say is i screwed my life by being lazy playing video games and wasting time...when i failed the first time my dad forgave me and asked me to take the retest....i wrote the retest,i know for sure i blew it up again...i have got a's in other subjects...but maths i cant understand it at all...anyway if i fail again im finished my dad is gonna take his size 10 boot turn it sideways and stick straight up my monkey *** carrer is over... i have to wait for another 1 year...meanwhile my cousins will be getting a job and earning some handsome money...but me dam....fdup....please friends say something give me some me...should i even be alive?
1 個解答Mental Health10 年前i am going to fail my maths exam again what to do?
all i can say is i screwed my life by being lazy playing video games and wasting time...when i failed the first time my dad forgave me and asked me to take the retest....i wrote the retest,i know for sure i blew it up again...i have got a's in other subjects...but maths i cant understand it at all...anyway if i fail again im finished my dad is gonna take his size 10 boot turn it sideways and stick straight up my monkey *** carrer is over... i have to wait for another 1 year...meanwhile my cousins will be getting a job and earning some handsome money...but me dam....fdup....please friends say something give me some me...should i even be alive?
3 個解答Philosophy10 年前How much weight will i lose in one month if i burn 400-500 calories a day?
i am like 180 pounds now i look fat,i started working out regularly recently 5 days a week i lift weights and do lot of cardio lets say i burn like 400 calories in the gym when im doing cardio.....i want to know how much weight will i lose in another 30 days
24 個解答Diet & Fitness1 十年前official news:booker t is going to win the money in the bank this year.....?
yes ladies and gentlemen it seems that they are gonna finally make booker t wrestle...and this is how its going to be...this year there is going to be 6 wrestlers competing for the smackdown money in the bank contract...5 wrestlers are announced,1 is a surprise...and that is booker t...what happens is these 5 wrestlers start the match without the 6th...they beat the living crap out of each other...and when everybody is down...booker leaves the commentary box....climbs the ladder and wins the money in the bank....believe me its going to be a shocker....and got more shocking news for ya....the next day he uses his contract and becomes world champion...the interesting part here is DIESEL returns....the two wcw legends face off at summerslam....its not a joke....
8 個解答Wrestling1 十年前The Great One is being misused so badly...the birthday party sucked agree or not?
seriously the rock birthday bash was was totally unnecessary....mya?and all those celebs wishing him was would have been better if austin or hhh wished him..or a match with someone would have been electrifying....and the night after wm 27 was so bad...i thought he was gonna lay the smackdown on cena but?you know what happened....and im sure theyll make cena will win at wm 28...its pretty much you know like hogan vs rock wm know what im sayin....
5 個解答Wrestling1 十年前was Alex Riley born to lose?
has he won any matches in the wwe...?he gets owned every time
9 個解答Wrestling1 十年前