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WHat did I see in the sky over Austin last night?
I was driving east on highway 290 about a mile or two east of Loop 1 and looking at the Moon rising ahead of me when I noticed a white point of light about 10 degrees above the horizon and maybe 10 or 20 degrees to the right (south) of the direction I was driving and moving left (north) at about 1 or 2 degrees a second. At first I assumed it was an airplane, but there was only one light, pure white, and not flashing, about like a zero magnitude star. My first thought was somebody was flying a drone with one light on it, but if so it was pretty high for a drone. I watched it for some tens of seconds as it moved across my field of vision toward my left (north). As it did it got brighter and higher above the horizon, as if it was small and low enough so that my motion to the east was taking me under it as it moved north and producing the brightening and higher angle above the horizon . By the time it was maybe 60 degrees to my left, 20 or 30 degrees up, and brightened to maybe -3 magnitude it split into 2 lights, one a bit dimmer than the other, say -3 and 0 magnitude with the dimmer one on the right side. They moved apart at about 1 degree per second as they both kept moving north, now almost directly to my left, or even a bit behind me, and in 5 seconds or less they both faded away. It almost looked like a firework that didn't explode but split into two dying embers, one dimer than the other, as it burnt out. It was visible a total of maybe 30 seconds.
4 個解答Astronomy & Space7 年前How do I remove a question from my Yahoo! Answers Watchlist?
I could do this in the old version and assume (hope) there is a way in the new one and I just can't find it. And yes, I tried searching help and contacting user support.
1 個解答My Yahoo8 年前Why do software writers insist on scrambling around all the controls at every upgrade?
Yahoo answers has been "upgraded". Apparently. At least all the controls are moved to new places and I have to find them all over again as if I had never used Answers before. Yet they (mostly) do the same things as before. So why, why, WHY, so they always do this to me! Not just Yahoo answers, but every web page, software product, and even operating system. Windows 8 is TOTALLY different. How does putting a button in a different place or changing it's shape, color, or even name make it better? It is NOT easier to find. It is HARDER to find. Are these changes all aimed at NEW users? Do they think people who never considered using it before will be more likely to try it if it looks different? And do they not care about the long times users who already know where every control is and can go to it quickly? What is wrong with adding the functionality they want to add while leaving the buttons that do basically the same thing as before in the SAME PLACE!
2 個解答Laptops & Notebooks8 年前Is Downton Abbey the best miniseries ever on TV or what?
What an ending to the 3rd season!
5 個解答Drama8 年前If you have installed a steam shower, how satisfid are you with it?
I am looking at complete self contained units such as the steam planet fj-2240 available through Sears. Anybody tried that particular one? Is it loud or quiet, slow to heat or fast? Any other comments, good or bad, on that particular one or any other one? And I am planning to install it myself. Anybody done that? How hard was it?
1 個解答Do It Yourself (DIY)1 十年前Do you still believe NASA faked the Moon landings?
I only want replies from people who have said here before that NASA faked them. Have you changed your mind now that NASA has new pictures ( ) from a new Moon orbiting satellite showing the Lunar Module decent stages sitting on the Moon? And in the case of Apollo 14 it even shows some trampled ground where the astronauts walked back and forth from the LM to the science station they setup and back.
Or do you claim the new pictures are just more fakes?
13 個解答Astronomy & Space1 十年前How can I get a duplicate key for a Volvo CX90 for less than $300?
Key duplicating places can't make one because it is an odd shape and has a microchip. And the Volvo dealer wants $300. Yikes!
8 個解答Volvo1 十年前Do you have a pilot's license? Are you on an airline watch list?
I have found that I am on a watch list and so cannot check in for an airline flight at the automated kiosk. I need a live person to check my ID and issue my boarding pass. I wondered for a while why and then remembered, I have a private pilot's license. I and not current and have not flown (as pilot) for almost 20 years, and have moved without notifying the FAA. Do you suppose that is why I am on the watch list? Do you think notifying the FAA of my new address would help? Or am I on this watch list for good?
4 個解答Aircraft1 十年前Why are Dr. Jello's answers private?
When you click on the "1482 best answers" (so far) link under his name at the top of this form, they are all hidden. What is he hiding?
5 個解答Other - Environment1 十年前Do you think we should spend the same amount of money on NASA as we do on Valentine's day?
NASA will get $17 billion this year and that is the same amount of money the country will spend on Valentine's day this year.
6 個解答Economics1 十年前Do you support a federal law mandating all cars sold in the U.S. be flex fuel?
Flex fuel cars are available now, for about $100 more than non-flex fuel cars, but only on a few models. If every car were flex fuel it would cost consumers almost nothing, would give a big boost to companies trying to boost ethanol production, and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.
20 個解答Alternative Fuel Vehicles1 十年前Do you think the Moon landings were faked?
If so, see this movie:
locations and times:
and THEN tell me you still believe all that was fake.
Sadly, you will only find this film in a very few theaters and probably lots of empty seats there too, because people just don't care. That is why we didn't keep doing Moon missions.
21 個解答Astronomy & Space1 十年前Which U.S. government department gets more money, DoD or HHS?
Department of Defence
Department of Health & Human Services
3 個解答Politics1 十年前Which U.S. government agency gets more money each year, HUD or NASA?
Department of Housing and Urban Development
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
10 個解答Other - Politics & Government1 十年前Do you think the world would be better off if we were all Amish?
I have seen all kinds of questions here about outlawing plastic bags, race cars and so on. Everybody has a pet peeve that is a waste and should not be allowed. So, I was curious. How many people thing the world would be a better place if we all gave up cars, electricity, and all that stuff to live like the Amish, farming small plots of land by hand.
18 個解答Global Warming1 十年前What are some words starting with the letter Q or S or U or V or X or Y?
Doing a homework project and need 26 words, one for each letter and can't think of any good words for these letters.
24 個解答Words & Wordplay1 十年前