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Do you suppose Kourtney Kardashian's OCD is due to her inability to deal with her emotions?
Especially with regard to Scott. I could not believe she would actually remove items from Scott's parents' house without even asking, under the pretense of "helping" and "cleaning." I used to think she was the smart one, but now I think she has some serious emotional problems.
6 個解答Reality Television10 年前Why were Michael Jackson's eyes open when he died in his bedroom? Just curious.?
If Dr. Murray were really out of the room for a substantial length of time, could Michael have awakened if the Propofol drip ran out. Or could it have just been an involuntary reaction. Anyone with medical knowledge, please weigh in.
2 個解答Celebrities10 年前Kim Kardashian proposal episode?
I'm confused. I seem to recall some months ago Kris Humphries and Kim Kardashian talking about how they didn't want their proposal filmed for the TV cameras, they wanted to keep it private. Then, lo and behold--here it had been filmed the whole time. Or...was it a "reenactment?" At any rate, it is becoming more apparent how scripted and non-reality that reality show is. Anyone disagree?
1 個解答Reality Television10 年前Did Richard Hatch really push David Cassidy on Celebrity Apprentice?
To me, it appeared more that he touched his shoulder and pointed for David to go in the corner to make his cell phone call. It was definitely a power move on Richard's part, but he didn't "assault" David, the way David tried to make it appear in the boardroom.
6 個解答Reality Television1 十年前Who was looking after Christina Aguilera's son while she was out getting wasted with her boyfriend?
Once you become a parent you have to think of someone other than yourself.
5 個解答Celebrities1 十年前If Halle Berry really cared about her daughter, would she publicly disparage the dad?
I find it a little odd that none of these details came out previously--not until Gabriel Aubry filed with the court to protect his visitation rights. If he was the kind of person who used the N-word, and especially toward Halle, why in the hell did she have a child with him let alone stay with him for as long as she did? Their daughter has the right to have a relationship with both parents; I get the impression that this is more about Halle wanting to CONTROL people around her.
1 個解答Celebrities1 十年前What should I wear to my wedding reception?
I am getting married for the 2nd time in a Caribbean setting. I have my wedding dress, but can't decide what to wear for the reception. We will be performing a rumba for our first dance. I really want to wear white cropped pants with a shiny/sequined top, but wonder if that is too casual. Any suggestions?
3 個解答Fashion & Accessories1 十年前What about a remake of "Easy Rider?"?
I've always thought Owen Wilson was a dead-ringer for Dennis Hopper, and Christian Slater is Jack Nicholson's clone, but who should play the Peter Fonda role?
1 個解答Movies1 十年前I would like to know why the film "The Kite Runner" was virtually ignored by the Academy Awards.?
I recently saw it, and it has been YEARS since I saw a movie that had me thinking & talking about it for days afterward.
2 個解答Movies1 十年前Is there a day that goes by without Britney Spears doing something utterly dumb?
She has to be either:
a. A druggie
b. Bipolar
c. The dumbest person on the planet
d. All three
How do you vote?
13 個解答Celebrities1 十年前Whatever happened to Sugar Pie, Anna Nicole's beloved dog?
The last time I saw it was on her reality show, some years ago.
2 個解答Celebrities1 十年前Britney Spears is a Sagittarius. Does anyone think that explains a lot about her behavior?
For example, her impulsiveness.
16 個解答Horoscopes1 十年前Who feels they have been unfairly cited for violating Community Standards?
I always try to be helpful & sincere with my answers. The only time I might be sarcastic or make a humorous comment (at least I intend it to be humorous) is when I believe the asker isn't really looking for advice, or is asking a fictitious or humorous question. I do not engage in hate speak.
But some "eggshell" members have reported me! I can't believe it. Does anybody else resent this?
5 個解答Yahoo Answers1 十年前Get yellow "error on page" at the bottom in Explorer in Yahoo email. Buttons don't work, can't email.
This oinly happens on a PC with Explorer, not on a Mac with Firefox. Is there some Explorer setting I am unaware of that will enable me to use my Yahoo email to send & forward messages? Right now none of the buttons work.
8 個解答Internet2 十年前