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My focus is changing the economics of Renewable Energy. I start out with the presumption that the head of the utilities are smart & think long term. IF Renewables made economic sense they would be the norm for new power plants in California after the 2000 electric energy crisis. Today it is unlikely that Renewable Energy will ever be able to directly compete with the energy that created it. The cost of the infrastructure is to great & the cost is predominantly based on the cost of energy. If you choose to email me I will NOT buy Fanbox Apps
which is more important to the LEFT to make the RICH poor or solve AGW?
To make creating photovoltaic profitable requires long term survivability and away to get the entire Green Energy economy to create wealth. "Cadillac Desert" hinted a the solution. The solution requires integrating the Energy Collection and the Transportation industries to enable Terraforming. Without having long term control of an obscene amount of low value land that the private sector can change into prestigious Real Estate it is unlikely Green Energy will be anything, but away for rich people to go bankrupt.It is likely to be only one place on the planet the ingredients come together that enables a solution. Will 2 international governments allow the private sector do it?The solution would fix many problems both countries have while it creates wealth in both countries
6 個解答Politics3 年前How much energy is required to create a 1 Kilo Watt solar panel.?
Equations & breakdowns appreciated.
3 個解答Green Living7 年前topography required for transforming a valley to a Reservoir + any other Information you are willing to share?
I'm looking to design a Green Energy System. I acknowledge that at present they aren't economically able to compete with the present source of energy nor can they supply energy 24/7/365. I further acknowledge the batteries are working in self-destruct mode working toward being toxic waste.
1 個解答Earth Sciences & Geology8 年前what would it take to pipeline hydrogen like natural gas?
In your answer address items like keeping metal from becoming Brittle.
Protection from stray bullet (After 9/11)
Isolating sections of pipe to minimize damage if ignition is caused.
2 個解答Engineering8 年前How does altitude effect fuel cell operation?
The density of oxygen vs altitude goes down.
1 個解答Engineering8 年前Rating questions in Political section -- ARE the Y!A censors bias?;_ylt=AoB6W...
All of these hide do to low ratings had HIGH agreement ratings. There was no thumbs down rating available. ARE the Y!A censors bias?
7 個解答Politics9 年前Question 4 liberals: Since you feel you have Superior Intellect, Why don't you offer economically viable?
solutions to the acknowledged problems?
For Conservatives why don't you ask your liberal friends such questions?
I came up with this question, because Green Energy where most of energy is used can't directly compete with the energy that creates its infrastructure.
9 個解答Politics10 年前Computer as an alarm clock?
My mom some time falls asleep at the computer & wishes it would tell her to audibly to go to bed. Are their settings on a PC & how do you set them?
3 個解答Programming & Design10 年前Can finger prints be retreaved from packed items more than a week later?
From pre packed boxes movers opened & repacked after removing items? Other boxes are still packed. These will the location where I'm hoping a skillful person can retrieve the information. At the moment the police are unwilling to investigate, I'm guessing it is due to the cost in time & money to them.
4 個解答Law Enforcement & Police1 十年前