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How long does it take to read the book "Atlas Shrugged"?

5 個解答

  • 匿名
    6 年前

    The beginning is very difficult, because Ayn Rand has her characters use long-winded speeches to define the principles of Objectivism. You sort of have to read those, but skim-reading them will work. You'll be able to spot where that happens. Breeze through those speeches if you want, you'll get the idea via the story later on. (She makes the classic error of "tell not show" for the first few chapters.) There's also a lot of characters introduced at once, and I got confused between some of the minor characters. But again, it won't matter. They are so minor and momentary that you can be confused too and just move on.

    Essentially you just need to know there are socialist government and big media characters who love the socialist government and they are doing everything they can to push the "my brother's keeper" agenda and stop industrial innovation (because they say it's selfishly motivated by greed).

    Once you get past the first part of the book, it actually does get really good. There's more action and the story becomes quite interesting, with a lot of parallels to current events.

    The movie version was completely and totally disappointing. Her estate was heavily involved and they made the first films just as difficult to follow as the book. It could have easily been transformed into an exciting action packed movie set in the early 1900's, but instead they tried to make it modern day and it was just a mess. It didn't help that the lead roles got done by different actors in each movie. Just a real mess.

  • Marduk
    Lv 7
    6 年前

    It is a long book more than 500,000 words. Depends on your reading speed. Get the abridged version, I've read both and the abridged is good enough.

  • Kini
    Lv 7
    6 年前

    Why dont you read The Fountainhead instead. I read it in one day and one night. I couldnt put it down.

  • 6 年前

    Depends how fast you read

  • 匿名
    6 年前

    forever.. it's an atrocity
