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What do I do? Girls only?

This girl I know and love has been going through a lot. I know everybody does but I tell her everything I can to make her feel better and It seems like it doesn't help. So any girls have any ideas of something I can do? Please (:

3 個解答

  • 8 年前

    tell her your feelings for her. and make her feel as if she is your everything and shes the best girl in the world. you never know she may like you back and is waiting for you to tell her first. good luck

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 年前

    Just tell her that if she ever needs a shoulder to lean on or a person to speak to that she can just speak to you, for you will listen or rather would always be more than happy to listen to what she has to say. Sometimes people just need someone to speak out their problems to, specially if they tend to keep it to themselves.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 年前

    Sometimes you don't have to say anything, just be there for her.
