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Confused what could this be? sore breast for 2 weeks ( since 6 days after my period ended)?
Usually my cycles 30.5 days on average and longest 37 shortest 24. my periods 5-6 days long and was normal this month. I usually get sore breasts1 week before my period but this month it started on february 19th or cd 12 and has been Very sore since then. I usually have a luteal phase of 11.4 days but have had 6 and 14 days. I thought maybe that it was ovulation but it didnt really synch up with my usual ovulation and i had more ovulation symptoms later on in the month on the 26th. The only other symptom i had of ovulation on the 19th was two spots of bright red blood when wiping after urination. ( its NOT an infection) but it was only once so perhaps may have cut myself without knowing it? . So i am now on cd 25 and STILL have very sore breasts. Just wondering what this might be.
Just incase it matters, im 21 years old and finish college in may. i am sexually active witb my boyfriend of 5 and a half years and i am not on birthcontrol for multiple reasons.
1 個解答
- 匿名8 年前最愛解答
The sore breasts could be due to pregnancy....