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Do you know who Brandon Raub is?

One of my friends on facebook keeps on posting about him, saying "Free Brandon Raub! Join the facebook group! I'm brandon raub and i'm going to lead the revolution!" Who the heck is brandon raub? I only know that he said something like, i'm sharpening my axe and i'm going to sever heads... but yeah. who is he? I tried googling it but can someone just give me a straight foward answer.

2 個解答

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 年前

    He's some conspiracy theorist nutbar (he does not think an airplane hit the Pentagon on Sept. 11 etc.) who was taken into custody for a mental health evaluation because of what he posted on Facebook or some other social media. He posted threats or what could be construed as threats and the task is to see if he is a danger to himself or others. Some people do not realize it, but there are limits to freedom of speech.

  • 匿名
    9 年前

    never heard of him.
