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Why Doesn't Deadpool's skin ever heal?

Now I'm not too deep into the Deadpool anthology, I've only read Cable & Deadpool and I'm familiar with him from several other comics and video games. I haven't found anything to explain why his skin doesn't heal since he has the whole healing factor thing at his disposal. Sooooo, anybody have an explanation?

4 個解答

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 年前

    that's from a side effect of his healing factor. since his healing is incredibly strong, it also made some nasty side effects.

  • 6 年前

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    Why Doesn't Deadpool's skin ever heal?

    Now I'm not too deep into the Deadpool anthology, I've only read Cable & Deadpool and I'm familiar with him from several other comics and video games. I haven't found anything to explain why his skin doesn't heal since he has the whole healing factor thing at his disposal....

    資料來源: doesn 39 deadpool 39 skin heal:
  • Because when he was in Weapon X, they offered a cure for his cancer. The 'cure' put his cancer in a stabilized state. But as a side effect, it left him deranged and damaged his skin permanently

    資料來源: Huge Deadpool fan.
  • 匿名
    5 年前

    In the recent issues, he lost his healing factor and cancer, and is now a normal human.
