Yahoo 知識+ 將於 2021 年 5 月 4 日 (美國東岸時間) 停止服務,而 Yahoo 知識+ 網站現已轉為僅限瀏覽模式。其他 Yahoo 資產或服務,或你的 Yahoo 帳戶將不會有任何變更。你可以在此服務中心網頁進一步了解 Yahoo 知識+ 停止服務的事宜,以及了解如何下載你的資料。

Lv 7
? 發問於 家居與園藝保養及維修 · 1 十年前

Why demote me to Master ??!!

I just receive a message from Yahoo saying to congratuate that I am promoted to the rank of Master but before I was in the rank of Doctor . It is not promotion Howcome ? You stupid system , I am demoted . What is the reason , expain !!!!!!!


not expain but explain

更新 2:

Stupid system doesnot even have the gut to answer my question !!! Just give one reason so that I would not commit the "wrong doing " again !!! You punish me even without any warning , it is not fair !!!!!! Stupid people manage stupid system !!!!

2 個解答

  • 1 十年前

    yelling doesn't help at all. you should pay yahoo money for your ad. luckly you really helping people with your chemical knowledge. or your file will be frozen !

    2011-06-17 03:17:26 補充:

    They punish you without any warning. this is the point to proved they need money to operate their business. and demoted become promoted showed they are not stupid but clever. face the reality my friend. no money no talk. if you pay and ask, I can make sure you will become 知識長 within 30days.

    2011-06-17 03:17:42 補充:

    trust me my poor friend.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 十年前

    It appears that your "回答採用率" had dropped below 60%.
