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Lv 5
box 發問於 HealthMen's Health · 1 十年前

Circumcision and countries?

Why do countries like America have high circumcision rate compared to countries like Australia.

10 個解答

  • 1 十年前

    Because after it was medicalized to curtail male masturbation and sexual uurges, the Drs did not have a clue about the value of what they were chopping off. It was not questioned. In the UK and Aus, a few Drs questioned it and it was halted as a horrible removal of healthy erogenous tissue.

    In the US, it got so out of control, the cut culture could not stop. The Drs had no way of knowing the foreskin is not just skin and does not just protect the glans(head). Circumcision is now known to ablate the most sensitive parts of the male genitals. This surgery takes away the main male pleasure zones with about 20000 fine touch and stretch nerve endings amputated. The foreskin has several parts including the ridged band that is great for ones pleasure (that is why nutters like Kellogg wanted to chop em off, to curtail masturbation), Masturbation is important for a mans physical and mental health. The ridged band directly contacts the vagina for very great pleasure all around. The dynamics of sex and the actual mechanism of the penis are drastically changed by circumcision. The foreskin can normally be slipped all the way, or almost all the way, back to the base of the penis, and also slipped forward beyond the glans. This wide range of motion is the mechanism by which the penis and the orgasmic triggers in the foreskin, frenulum, and glans are stimulated

    The only touch organ possessing as rich erogenous innervation as the foreskin is the clitoris. Circumcision deprives man of 2/3ds of the main erogenous zone constituted of the foreskin and the glans.

    The US may be saved by the internet. People did not talk about this some years ago. With the net people are understanding they are harming their kid. The practice is dropping in the US although there are groups trying to keep the practice going, trying to justify their own mutilation as well as the mutilation of their children.

  • 匿名
    1 十年前

    They don't ask in Australia if parents want to circumcise their baby. In the USA circumcision is the huge bisness and doctors and hospitals makes lots of money by selling MGM.

  • Beery
    Lv 7
    1 十年前

    There is no 'reason', other than the fact that most Americans are mutilation-happy nutcases.

    I'm against all circumcision - both for children and adults - I don't believe adults should do it to themselves for the same reason that I don't think they should be cutting off any other body part for 'looks'. There is no medical reason to cut off the foreskin - there are always better solutions to any problem with it.

  • Connor
    Lv 7
    1 十年前

    Because circumcision makes America a lot of money. Countires like America are more concerned with making a profit more than the well being or rights of it's citizens. It's so sad, but it's true. I love my country but we have serious issues.


  • e w
    Lv 7
    1 十年前

    In most of the countries throughout the world, males are not circumcised.

    This cruel, barbaric, archaic, unnatural and abnormal mutilation is only done mainly in the theocratic countries, and the USA.

    Here in the USA, unscrupulous doctors have been promoting circumcision for decades, and gullible people believed the lies, old wives tales, and outright propaganda about the non-existent benefits of male genital mutilation, called circumcision.

    The rest of the world has better sense than to mutilate babies.

    Circumcision is a fraud and a hoax.

    A foreskin is not a birth defect; it is a birthright.


  • 1 十年前

    Its like a fashin craze and medical suppose benefits. Also idn in aust. but usa the docs ask if they want circumcision or not.

  • here in the usa they constantly come up with BS to convince parents to abuse their baby boys by male genital mutilation, If they don't they cant make their next BMW car payment.

    I am NOT against circumcision for a man over the age 18 who chooses to do it. I am against Parents doctors nurses and religion that ROB the child from the human right to choose for himself It is HIS body and HIS alone. the child would not die if it is not done.

  • 1 十年前

    Because a sexually repressed man named KELLOG, yes the cereal maker, was a physician that told americans boys needed to be cut.. he said blindness,insanity,homosexuality, murderers and misfit behavior would arise from masturbation. if the foreskin was removed from his penis, it would prevent masturbation considerably, as the foreskin was the culprit to men being hornier. if it was removed, the head would be less sensitive the penis would be in pain if cut tightly and it would ensure a man to only have sex for reproductive purpose, not pleasure. similiar to how muslims circumcise females clitoris and labia to make them run from a hard penis, to be in pain instead of plesasure while being penetrated. Kellog appeared to have a problem with his foreskin, his sexual desire and seemingly his sexual preference... he was an ***!! circumcision was adopted by royalty to differentiate the prince from the pauper but britain stopped it in the 1950's to match the rest of europes penises pleasure of having foreskin.. my parents are swede and norwegian so they left me with my foreskin,, thank you mom and dad...thats the story.

  • 匿名
    1 十年前

    Because America is more advanced then other countries. Another basic fact is that America doesn't have social medicine (where the government pays for medical expenses) and countries that don't circumcise have social medicine and cut corners to save money. I am in the USA and I was finally circumcised on my 18th birthday and can assure you there is no downside. There is no loss of sensitivity and it is not mutilation, that is just anti propaganda. Being circumcised is much cleaner (uncut can wash 3x a day and still have an odor), it is much healthier (one reason the CDC is coming out in favor of circing all American males), it is better looking (that's a no brainer) and it improves sexual function. I have 3 sons (5,2 and 7mo) and had no hesitation what so ever to have them circumcised. I know there is no downside, only a lifetime of benefits. There is nothing good about being uncut!

    資料來源: Life experience
  • 1 十年前

    Because in our history the puritans and their anti-sexual quirks picked up on male genital mutilation as a way to reduce sexual enjoyment. It was sold as a cure for the great sin of "self pollution" (masturbation).

    Then the medical industry saw male genital mutilation as a cash cow for them and they keep on selling it to the gullible parents that believe all that cleaner or prevents all those diseases and the rest of the BS they dream up as sales gimmicks.

    To all the pro-circs: Did you realize that one of the achitects of male mutilation in America, john harvey kellogg, never consummated his marriage. That's right he never bedded his wife!! That is your roll-model, get in line behind him and the rest of those mental freaks.
