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4 個解答
- ?Lv 71 十年前最愛解答
正常每個浴缸都有一個生口位可以拆出來維修的, 如是太多頭髮塞了就無須要拆. 通常浴缸去水慢都係因毛髮阻塞引起的, 用通渠水或漒水都不能溶解毛髮的, 而且有一定的危險性, 用時記住一定要小心! 最理想的方法是用鐵線把它鈎出來, 去五金舖買鐵線, 把鐵線的頭部屈成鈎狀, 慢慢伸入浴缸的去水孔, 轉幾轉再慢慢拉出, 那頭髮便會跟著拉出, 問題就即刻解決.
- 1 十年前
D通渠佬 had no effect!
Try 飛魚牌 ($10-$13). Don't pour any more water into the 浴缸 12 hours before you pour
the acid and leave it for another 6 to 12 hours.
Wear protective clothing and face mask before your pour water onto the 浴缸 and plumb
the tub.
In the future, it is better off to collect the hair and dirt yourself. Use a wire net for
bathroom without 浴缸 or bathroom floor mats (with the one adjacent to the hole flip over.
And if you use 浴缸 , use a plastic collector where you can buy at any local hardware store.
If you find that my solution is useful, you can repay me by trying to answer some of my questions I
post ( I usually give 20 points for the question).
資料來源: MYSELF KNOWLEDGE - 1 十年前
1.要用解決家中浴室的浴缸塞左 : 原因可能是頭髮啦!可以去日本城或五金店舖購買支(通渠寶)不過比較唔安全.