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How to obtain unlimited free donuts for The Simpsons Tapped Out (working links thank you!)?
Please share with me workable ways to obtain unlimited free donuts for The Simpsons Tapped Out, as I have already spent a copious amount of money on purchasing the donuts, and I dont exactly have a deep pocket! Please help me!
1 個解答Video & Online Games7 年前Is there a way to play The Simpsons Tapped Out offline?
Hey guys,
It is so frustrating to be booted off the net in the midst of playing this highly addictive game - is there no way of playing it where internet is not accessible?
1 個解答Video & Online Games7 年前Why is one’s birthday such a big deal?
Hello folks,
I just had my 39th birthday this month, and have always wondered why people in general usually make a big deal out of birthdays. Whenever I forget to call up my siblings to wish them a happy birthday, they always make a big thing out of it and berate the heck out of me. To me, I honestly don’t think birthdays are all that, because they are a sullen reminder that we are yet another year older; and more often than not, I secretly hope people would forget my upcoming birthday. Sure, it was fun and all to receive birthday presents as a youngster, but now that I am old and gray, I hardly ever get anything for my birthdays anymore. Am I just being eccentric over the whole thing, or do you secretly share the same view as me?
4 個解答Friends8 年前What is the underlying meaning of this sentence?
Alright, maybe I am too dumb to comprehend this sentence, but I need someone to explain the meaning of it to me...thanks!
"Above the massive mantle, a half-dozen mounted mallards
were “cupped,” ready for landing in a watery thicket."
The part I am not too sure about is "cupped, ready for landing in a watery thicket."
Thanks for helping!
2 個解答Words & Wordplay8 年前What's the difference between pink lemonade and raspberry lemonade?
Hey guys,
I know this is a lame question, but I have always suspected that pink lemonade is merely an alias for raspberry lemonade due to their similarity in taste. Can some Mage enlighten me on this one? Much appreciated!
3 個解答Other - Food & Drink8 年前Does the term "Quasi" give out a negative connotation?
Hello All,
As per title, is the term "Quasi" negative? From what I understand, it means "very similar, but not exactly", but does not necessarily mean something negative. What is your take on it?
1 個解答Words & Wordplay8 年前幫Panda 翻譯 - 中翻英 (Part 4) 極短
幫Panda 翻譯 - 中翻英 (Part 4) 極短 Panda太忙ㄌ, 希望真正英文高手幫翻...20 點!!!
為了讓跑者留下畢生難忘的經驗,今年The North Face 100國際越野挑戰賽更突破前兩年的固定路線 ,由士林區至善移師至新北市碧潭烏來舉辦,並行經有台灣亞馬遜之稱的哈盆古道,增加山徑野趣奔馳快感,以嶄新路線提供跑友挑戰。長達20公里的越野山徑,考驗長跑者在山野間的反應力、體能和耐力。
1 個解答語言8 年前幫Panda 翻譯 - 中翻英 (Part 3) 極短
幫Panda 翻譯 - 中翻英 (Part 3) 極短 Panda太忙ㄌ, 希望真正英文高手幫翻...20 點!!! 2013 The North Face 100國際越野挑戰賽台灣站,引領100K賽事邁入第三年,報名人數年年激增,今年統計近3000名勇者參賽。優勝台灣男女選手更將代表台灣受邀參加5/4 The North Face 100國際越野挑戰賽亞太區規模最大賽事-中國站,為台灣爭光!
1 個解答語言8 年前幫Panda 翻譯 - 中翻英 (Part 2) 極短
幫Panda 翻譯 - 中翻英 (Part 2) 極短 Panda太忙ㄌ, 希望真正英文高手幫翻...20 點!!!
史上唯一極地超馬女悍將Diane Van Deren應邀來台參賽,夢想鬥士陳彥博以賽代訓單日狂跑50公里模擬5月澳洲最終站賽況。跑出退休快樂人生的老將林觀芝與超馬常勝女王戴秀妤偕同30餘名勇者挑戰極限100公里越野路跑,於湖畔山谷之間探索戶外越野樂趣。
4 個解答語言8 年前"a couple"真正的意思
Dear All,
Panda 要問你們一個簡單再不過的英文。
後來她說到她還有 "a couple" of XXX (實際上她有不只兩個XXX,而有3〜4個),所以我糾正她,說應該要用 "a few" 因為是more than two,但她卻argue 說 a couple只是figure of speech, 不一定是代表 "兩個"。
8 個解答語言8 年前英翻中 (合約內容 - 極短!)
OK, Panda對合約翻譯完全沒輒, 請達人協助…別想用翻軟來呼巄我 = - = 20點附上:
Both parties agree that if there is any alternative approach, which serves better for the Purpose as stated in the Section 2(A), the parties will forthwith negotiate on such approach in good faith and enter into certain definitive agreements so that the Purpose can be achieved to the satisfaction of the parties. 3Q!
6 個解答語言8 年前Question on grammar/logic?
While we often hear people say, "I have been sick/tired/busy all the time", does it really make sense grammatically or logically? From what I understand, "have been" refers to a given period of time, whereas "all the time" is synonymous with "always", so in my book, the two just don't go well together. What is your take on that?
1 個解答Words & Wordplay8 年前有關英文版的限制
1. 為何純粹翻譯算知識呢? 我雖然喜歡幫忙翻譯,但我都會適當的解釋用法而不是只把中文翻英文。我認為用翻譯機做回答跟本算不上知識,而且文法亂七八糟,但偏偏Google愛用者的答案有時會被選最佳,真是莫名奇妙。
2. 常常會有越文及其他東南亞語文混進英文區,而有些大師級人物的英文最佳率高達95%已上,但全部都是越文,真奇怪。
3. 最近常會有人用不同ID問些無哩頭問題,如:
為什麼是How are you而不是How you are?
6 個解答語言9 年前What is fotkatsya? Is it russian?
Please tell me the meaning of this word as my pen pal included this word in his letter.
1 個解答Languages9 年前Is there a way to transform regular photos into 3D photos?
My beloved 37 yr old wife passed away last year due to cancer and I wonder if there is a way to transform her old photos into 3-D photos
1 個解答Photography9 年前太空戰士7 & 8的疑問
昨晚在Playstation store發現有出太空戰士7 & 8的英文版, 一時衝動兩個都抓下來ㄌ (大學時的感動 T T) 1. 我一直搞不懂的一件事就是魔術技巧(火, 水, 電..)都是在甚麼情況下升級的? 一定要一直用才會升級嗎? 還是會自動升級? 我個人認為得一直用同個技巧才能升級, 但每次在小嘍囉上一直用等到要對抗大頭目就兩手空空了! 2. 7代跟8代的最終頭目要如何打敗? 需要學習甚麼技巧及如何運用? 需要高人指點! Help me!! = - =
3 個解答電玩與網路遊戲1 十年前