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  • Attire for bank teller position? (Young woman, interview tomorrow)?

    I have an interview for a bank teller position tomorrow morning and have to go buy an outfit for it (I'm a freshman in college out of state, and I haven't had an interview in forever). I'm just wondering, besides the generic black slacks and white button-down, what kind of clothing I could wear. I know it has to be nice, dressy, classy, etc, but...

    Heels, flats, boots?

    Can I do a sort of skinny pants (like jeggings if they're black?) Or do they have to be basically the non-skinny slacks or whatever?

    Any advice is helpful :)

    5 個解答Other - Careers & Employment9 年前
  • Adobe InDesign for free (full)?

    I need Adobe InDesign for work, but I just cannot afford to buy it right now. I've seen ways to get older versions for free with torrents and such, so how can I do that (or something else) to get it for free now?

    I'm going to buy it as soon as I can afford it, but I need it now for my job in order to get the money to buy it :/

    Thank you!

    4 個解答Software10 年前
  • On Season 2 of Gossip Girl: Aaron's camera?

    Aaron Rose is a new character in Season 2 of Gossip Girl. Does anyone know what the camera he is using for photos? Or what Max's earlier in the season was?

    2 個解答Other - Television10 年前
  • How to be Nika from Guild Wars for Halloween? Cheap n easy?

    I want to be Nika from the Guild Wars video game for Halloween. I have the purple hair already, but I think her outfit is pretty much leather... Anyone have any good ideas how to pull off her look in a hot bad-*** way? Without it being crazy expensive or crazy difficult?

    2 個解答Halloween10 年前
  • A good "Scene Queen" name for me?

    My name is Gabrielle (Gabby) and I totally cannot think of or find a good (and original) scene name that isn't trash... Any help? My friends kinda fail at this, but they tried!

    2 個解答Words & Wordplay10 年前
  • ''Redemption'' for an ambigram tattoo?

    Does anyone know how to make or where to find someone who can make an ambigram for ''redemption''? Just so that the tattoo reads the same word from both sides.

    1 個解答Tattoos10 年前
  • Motels / hotels near Twin Cities or Stillwater, MN that take cash and no questions?

    Are there any hotels or motels near Stillwater, Hudson, or the Twin Cities that will accept cash for a few hours or a night and not ask questions about things like age? It's a week til I turn 18, but i need the room this weekend for me and my friend to stop at on our way home from a trip, just to clean up etc before we go to a wedding. My house is too far to stop at beforehand.

    3 個解答Other - US Local Businesses10 年前
  • My bf wants to use toys...?

    My bf are, admittedly, one of those ''everything but...'' couples, for certain reasons. We do oral and stuff, but he wants to use start using toys.. I'm a virgin, and I've never done much- although I've been fingered.. But idk, I feel kinda weird about the idea of toys... Any thoughts or suggestions?

    3 個解答Singles & Dating1 十年前
  • What are some good lapdance tips and songs?

    I'm giving my boyfriend a lapdance for the first time ever this weekend, and I've never given one, so I was just wondering some good tips and especially some good songs? Thank you!

    3 個解答Singles & Dating1 十年前
  • Good bra for 34A with petite rib cage?

    What's a good place (or places, brands, specific styles) to get good bras for small-busted, small-framed girls? I wear a 34A. General, mall-kinda stores would be ideal so that I can try them on in-store instead of hoping an online-store's bra will fit...


    4 個解答Other - Beauty & Style1 十年前
  • On Flickr: Need opinions/ critiques of my photos?

    I've been trying to get more involved on Flickr, but I have yet to get any comments or feedback on my photos, and I need some because I need to know what I can work to improve and what my strong points are as I am starting a project for class... Anything would be great... Thank you!

    4 個解答Photography1 十年前
  • In exchange for abstinence with my boyfriend? Ideas?

    So my boyfriend and i have just recently starting dating, although we have been friends for a long time and have been involved before. We agreed on waiting til marriage for sex, but i'm the first gf he has had like that. He's starting to have a harder time without sex and we're trying to think of how we can make it easier. We'd really love ideas please!

    1 個解答Singles & Dating1 十年前
  • How do I SMS normal after I installed "IM+ All-in-one Messenger" on my Nokia Nuron?

    I Have a Nokia Nuron 5230 phone (symbian), and I just installed a new application called "IM+ All-in-One Messenger" for the IM purposes, naturally. Now my SMS is synced to THAT instead of my normal Message Inbox on my phone... How do I keep the app, but have my SMS be normal?

    I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling...

    1 個解答Cell Phones & Plans1 十年前
  • Car speakers for a '95 Ford Probe GT compatible with...?

    I inherited some stereo equipment from my dad recently, but it was from an old truck of his, going into my '95 Ford Probe GT. I need to replace the speakers in it before I install everything because they're just basic, crappy speakers. Here is the list of items that I'll be putting in; any speaker suggestions?

    -Eclipse CD3000

    -Eclipse EA4000

    -MTX Audio Thunder4122

    -Kicker Sub 06VS12L52

    Thank you!

    2 個解答Car Audio1 十年前
  • How to make making out more interesting for my BF?

    So me and my bf are semi physical, we just have two bounds; no oral or straight up sex. Problem is, he gets kinda bored just making out. What can I do to make it more interesting/ fun/ different/ etc?

    7 個解答Singles & Dating1 十年前
  • Ironic name for spoof newspaper?

    What would be a good, ironic name for a spoof newspaper at our high school?

    4 個解答Media & Journalism1 十年前
  • Lip ring or eyebrow piercing? Girl, 17.?

    I want to get another piercing (I have ears and cartilage done with an industrial on the way), but I can't decide what I want most and what would be best. I'm thinking lip or eyebrow, MAYBE nose (but so many seem to have that...) So I'd like to know what guys prefer generally, etc. Any other input or whatever would be awesome too!

    1 個解答Other - Skin & Body1 十年前
  • Ideas for "coupons" for my BF (e.g. "You pick the movie tonight"- Read more for details; it's his V-day gift)?

    For V-day, I'm giving my BF a jar of "coupons" he can redeem, that say stuff like "good for a nice long hug" or "you pick the movie tonight". I was just looking for other ideas of things to put on them- I have a lot to fill :) We're 16, not very physical (so please don't bother with dirty ones). Please just make them sweet and not skanky or too cheesey. Thanks!

    3 個解答Valentine's Day1 十年前
  • Outfit ideas for V-day?

    I'm spending Valentine's Day with my boyfriend and we're having dinner with his mom later. What would be some good outfit ideas? I Don't want to go shopping and I don't wear a lot of dresses. I'm 16, 122 lbs, 5' 6" if that helps at all. Dancer build. Thanks much!

    We might be outside during the day...

    1 個解答Fashion & Accessories1 十年前
  • MySpace vs Facebook- Why is Myspace better?

    For our school newspaper, me and another writer are collaborating to write a Facebook vs. Myspace article. I am covering the Myspace half, but I'm having some trouble finding up-to-date statistics, etc. Could you please tell me why you would choose Myspace over FB, or give me websites or info on statistics that are more current than Jan '09? Thanks!

    9 個解答MySpace1 十年前