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How can I communicate better with people? ?
Okay so yesterday i went to my uncle with my family because yesterday was his last day and he's going back to Sweden so we entered and he started kissing and greeting us. At first he was thinking I'm my sister and was greeting me in fresh perky way, i told him that my sister is the the other one (he mixes us up because he doesn't come here much so he didn't watch us grow). Anyways so then he started messing with her, playing with her and calling her his friend as a substitute of my older sister. My other (older sister) was his number one friend between us but she got out of home due to marriage so she doesn't come anymore with us to visits. Anyways to me he was treating me dry af. He tried to open a convo with me but me being usual passive boring silly me i think made him cringe on the inside.
That was just an example. My point here that i wanna explain to you that people doesn't like who i am or the way i behave because i don't know how to communicate with people. I have trouble speaking, interacting, choosing the rights words or expressions. I just feel pretty worthless and bad that i can't even do the most simple thing in life. I keep struggling but I'm also helpless cause nothing much i can do. I also struggle with friendships or trying to start any relationship from my communication issues. I don't even have any friends.
2 個解答Psychology2 年前I sleep feeling fine but i wake up sad and i sometimes cry?
I don't know what's wrong. I fall asleep feeling neutral or alright then when i wake up upset. Sometimes i feel worthless the moment i wake up or feel like a loser and wished to never wake up one day. All the negative feelings and thoughts start the moment i wake up. The thing is i have no idea why it happens and want it to stop.
3 個解答Psychology2 年前How can i stop fighting with mom and sort it out?
I will start from the beginning, my sister gave birth on tuesday night. Since the baby have gotten now in our house my mom got crazy since then my mom is aggrassive & keeps being mean. The last couple of days her violance turned into drama, now she only keeps shouting and playing innocent at everyone. She has put me as the #1 target i. She plays the reason that i don't help her around though i do u swear. I swear i help her the most but she does not see it or appreciate it.I have done her and the whole house so much but she still does not see all the good i made and fight me yesterday because i forgot to sweep. She was out, came back home, didn't even say hi, she immediately started shouting at me and doing drama. I started explaining to her that im human & we all forget even herself is the most forgetful person. What ever all sh** she got now is pooring on me just putting me there like a target saying that i forget bcz i don't wanna do it saying that i changed and some bs i did not do. After that she acts like she is poor and start crying. She has done sh** to my siblings before so i know what she is doing, she wanna throw the same sh** at me so i start hating her.i told her if u don't stop demanding and treating me like this I'm gonna start hating you. Idk how will this stop. She provokes me to argue with her even though i don't want that. What can i do? If this continue I'm gonna be considered as an enemy and I'm gonna get wiped everywhere at home. Can you help me sort it?
7 個解答Family2 年前How to maintain a good sleep?
I'm having trouble with sleeping. I also struggle to fall asleep and wjen i do it gets late already and i have college the next day. Once i even have stayed up until 6 am and didn't sleep...not even a wink. I told my mom about it she accused me that i have thoughts though i don't i explained to her that i don't but she doesn't believe me. I remember ever since i was a kid i struggle to fall asleep and a war happens between me and my parents because of that. Even the time i fall asleep, i wake up later and i try to put myself back to sleep which takes a little time to work. I can't afford going to the doctor about this and i don't want to be put on sleeping pills I'm still too young for that...I'm only 19. Time doesn't matter even if i go to bed early I'd stay up until the time pass to a late timing. The thing is whenever i go to bed even if i feel tired i get suddenly alert and hyper. I really don't know what to do I'm starting to get daily headaches and it's not healing with painkillers. Any idea what i do in this matter? I'm really tired from this.
I don't know if ADHD is still a factor because i was diagnosed with it as a kid and some symptoms has decreased so much. So idk if this is still related.
Can you please help me?
4 個解答Other - General Health Care2 年前I just feel sad for no
I don't know what's wrong, i don't think there is any something wrong. For the couple last weeks everything has been okay and went well. It's just today i feel blue and down for no any good reason. I feel like i just wanna cry or i need a long hug and assurance that everything is okay. I feel at my weakest point of my life, if there was any good reason it would have made sense but there isn't any. I always get into a phase of anxiety from time through few days and it's tough.
Can anyone give me some sort of advice or comfort so i could rest snd find inner peace? Thanks in advance
3 個解答Mental Health2 年前I keep getting bullied...what do i do?
Ok so in the beginning I'm an 18 year old girl. As u can all see from the question I'm a stupid easy target...yes that's right! I keep getting mistreated by my family and there is nothing i can do about it, I'm too weak to defend myself and i don't even have the right words to stand up for myself. For example my brother has been bullying me since morning till now evening. He's insulting, disrespecting, calling me names, cussing, and using a harsh tone speaking with me. In general he's disrespectful ugly person from the inside but anyone can bully me cuz I'm a weak stupid target. Even back in 8th grade i got slapped in my first week of school. I don't know what to do or say. Mostly i stay expressionless and quiet in such situations cause i got no idea what can be done.
Please help me I'm tired of crying to sleep at night because someone hurt me
6 個解答Psychology3 年前What shall i do?
I'm almost always it ok?
It have been like this since i was young like i have never changed or something. I'm an 18 yr old student now and things have stayed at is since i was 8. Anyways I'm just almost always have been home and im unable to make friends cuz I'm not allowed to go out or got enough social skills. I know u would think ur an adult now but it's no difference i still live with my parents and i can't get out of it. I got ADHD and it have been always hard for me to maintain relationships so this also have an effect on my future as i am living this now. Um i kinda had a hard past and stuff so it all joined and results into this. I have never been allowed to even to go to a birthday party lol it's till this much. Anyways i don't know my mom and older sis are traveling on monday so I'll stay here at home with my dad and brother mostly they'd somewhere and I'll be home alone so im thinking of starting to prepare for my midterms which are after spring break but i don't know because I'm not used to study before a week over something. I'm not even close to my relatives or something.
So what do you guys think? Like any advice about what i can do or something?
Idk I'm kind of got used of getting lonely then following it the depression that strikes after it...but i don't like it.
4 個解答Psychology3 年前I'm almost always it ok?
It have been like this since i was young like i have never changed or something. I'm an 18 yr old student now and things have stayed at is since i was 8. Anyways I'm just almost always have been home and im unable to make friends cuz I'm not allowed to go out or got enough social skills. I know u would think ur an adult now but it's no difference i still live with my parents and i can't get out of it. I got ADHD and it have been always hard for me to maintain relationships so this also have an effect on my future as i am living this now. Um i kinda had a hard past and stuff so it all joined and results into this. I have never been allowed to even to go to a birthday party lol it's till this much. Anyways i don't know my mom and older sis are traveling on monday so I'll stay here at home with my dad and brother mostly they'd somewhere and I'll be home alone so im thinking of starting to prepare for my midterms which are after spring break but i don't know because I'm not used to study before a week over something. I'm not even close to my relatives or something.
So what do you guys think? Like any advice about what i can do or something?
Idk I'm kind of got used of getting lonely then following it the depression that strikes after it...but i don't like it this way
2 個解答Psychology3 年前How can I stop talking impulsively?
Recently I have been talking impulsively with people like I say stuff that shouldn't be said or say wrong stupid words in the wrong place.
I used to be a quiet girl that I barely can say a word but I have tried to change that but I turned to be impulsive as I used to be before I have taught myself to be quiet.
I have tried to think before I speak technique but it doesn't work all the time in social places, as I'm already socially awkward and bad at socializing but sometimes while having a normal convo I have to reply quick it seems stupid to pause and continue the conversation.
I got ADHD and have been impulsive since I was younger but I can't take that as a reason to be impulsive cause I'm old enough to be careful over what I do.
So how can I stop being impulsive?
4 個解答Psychology4 年前I feel lonely I don't know what to do?
I feel down and lonely I know that im not good enough
5 個解答Psychology4 年前Rumors spread on me and it's not can I stop it?
A girl is spread rumors about me that people are thinking that I'm a slut/***** how I can stop her? I have told her many times to stop but she isn't. She thinks ruining my reputation or talking bad about me make kids laugh and go with her lies will make her cool or kids like her though they laugh at her not like her. Kids are bothering me more and she think its funny to hurt others to put herself up. F***ing b*tch may god take revenge of her. She says she is just having fun or joking and I have told her it's not funny. Kids have started teasing me because of her **** and try to control me and put me down. She spreads the rumors to the teachers too and I tell the teachers no she is lying or just show them how I'm annoyed how she starts calling kids all over and start creating things on me but these f***ing teachers don't care. I hate my life I'm thinking of death
3 個解答Friends4 年前I suck I hope I just die?
I'm tired of feeling depressed and hurt I wish if I can die
5 個解答Psychology4 年前I can't focus on studying....what shall I do?
I can't focus and I'm just in the mood to study. I know I should and I don't have much time to waste. I'm about go cry :(
2 個解答Other - Education4 年前Helpful ways to hide my phone?
At my school cell phones are not allowed. I can keep it at the office and take it before I leave home. I sometimes need it in class since the school is stupid and takes ages to let you make a phone call from school and not allowed to take it to make a call or text and give it back. They suddenly do phone inspectations and search our bodies, cloths, pockets and back packs well (girls are searched by a female teacher and guys are by a male teacher and pat slightly student's bodies so it won't be molstation) I can't keep it in the locker because it's far and I need with me. How could I hide it? Where? Got any ideas?
2 個解答Other - Education5 年前I'm/feel lonely and sad please help me asap?
I feel lonely and sad. I have no friends or someone to close to me that I like or a friend in my family. I get bored every day. My life is like a CD it keep turning and repeating over and over every day. I tried having friends but they all dumped me, even online friends dumped me too. I guess it's because I'm stupid and a loser with ADHD its ny fault, I'm boring and stupid. Also when I gain a friend I become clingy and stupid and I don't know why I don't even relieaze that. At school everyone mock and push me around. At home and family no one like me because I'm different and disabled and stupid. I guess I'm a monster and it's normal to be hated because no one like monsters. I think and feel that I bother people just being alive or around, no one wants me. I keep isolating myself scared o people and the world. I don't know how to speak to people I keep saying stupid words or impulsive. I keep messing up. I feel so sad no one likes or cares about me even my parents don't they said that tgey're sick and tired of me because I'm stupid and slow they stopped caring since I was in 6th grade/middle school and now I'm 16/ junior in highschool. How do I fix this? I'm a loser, stupid, lonely, and sad
2 個解答Friends5 年前I feel sad help me please. How do I get better?
I feel unwanted and unloved I want to be alone. Sometimes alone hurt me or make feel low and ashamed that I'm walking alone or sitting alone. I'm stupid I shouldn't be alive. I feel like I just bother people by being alive or around. I wish if I could just die and end my misery. I hope my life end soon. I'm dying and burning inside and no one cares. I know they won't because i never show pain and i will never do. Pain means weak and being a loser. Being percky and fine is much easier than showing and explaining. I want to die. Kill me please I can't take it anymore....I don't want to live longer than this.
4 個解答Psychology5 年前Is it ok to be a loser? Is true that I'm a stupid girl?
Everyone insult me and call me stupid such as and school, home and everywhere I go. I believe that it is true since I'm stupid and do lots of mistakes. I do the same mistake like 100 times to stop doing it. I got ADHD so I often do stuff that I don't recognize until someone comment on what I've done. Lots of people in my life mock me and hate who I really am so I guard up and don't speak to people.
I think I just bother people for being alive or around. I tried to get friends but they left or dumped me. I tried being a friend with my family but they hate me because I'm different from them they all are smart and loved also with many friends but I'm not. Plus I fight with my siblings and the problem is I gwt violent when I get and hit amd insult everyone around and sort of turn into a wild animal that no one can calm.
I think and feel that I'm stupid and a loser. It's obvious why I don't hjave friends or someone loves me since I'm a monster and no one like monsters.
In public I get scared and anxious, I don't speak to people and if I do I say wrong and stupid things. At school I get pushed around by peers and I do what they tell me to do and every day I give my launch money to them and write notes on their copy books and sometimes I do their homework. I can't say no or they all would start fighting me and I can't fight they're strong and I'm weak. I just simply do what they tell me to do.
How do I fix this I'm sad every day
2 個解答Friends5 年前I need a friend?
Im sad and lonely and unable to sleep. I need help but I don't have friends neither seone to trust
3 個解答Friends5 年前I need help quickly im sad and angry?
Hey everyone I'm 16 years old and need help I need someone to talk to Im sad and angry. Giving me your email could help enough I need a hug too
1 個解答Mental Health5 年前I need help. Answer me asap plz?
Hey everyone. I'm 16 years old and need help. I need someone to talk to. Im sad and angry. Giving me your email could help enough. P
1 個解答Psychology5 年前