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我的檔案: I am a simple mind CHANEL 全球仕女愛慕 --- Most attractive question break the highest record 95 answers (as at Sep2006) . --- 中學 3 級:>5,000 OK ! I got 5000 at 12/8/2006 . 中學 1 級. (yes, done 20/8 --- 6768) Target to gain university degree 5 級 by end Aug , Done on 25 Aug 2006 , Marks 7700. Promoted to University Grade 5. Great ! Miracle on 16 Oct 2006,University Grade 5 to Master Grade 1. 成功晉升博士 . The 30th 博士 in Yahoo. But some poor guys jealous. Urgy. 經常惡意破壞我的聲譽 , 唯有暫別 --- Opened Fans (Private) Blog for selected followers. エ課太忙的時候 要是成功升上1 級博士時 ( before Dec2009) 便淡出 Yahoo 知識 架喇 ..woo woo... 已解決 :932 最佳解答:720 採用率 :77% 20/3 知識分數: 18,201 Fans' club makes 68 talents join together. Tkanks all.