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Mujer Alta
Is the "Saved Searched" option of Y! Answers going to be part of the new format?
None of my saved searches work this morning but when I go into the list of categories or search for specific kinds of questions, I find questions that normally would have appeared in my saved searches..
1 個解答Yahoo Answers7 年前How to fix pre-boiled crayfish?
I love anything that sits, swims or crawls in water and always heard crayfish were good eating. I bought some pre-boiled crayfish today and was wondering what to do with them. Do I make some kind of sauce for them? How do I re-heat them without over-cooking them? (I already searched how to twist and snap the tail from the body.) I have no idea if they were cooked with spices, lemon, etc. or just boiled in plain water.
4 個解答Cooking & Recipes7 年前Why can Askers answer their own questions?
We had the long list of questions and answers by Shabaz early this week and now there's this example.
Askers don't seem to have to even make a second dummy account to cheat the system.
4 個解答Yahoo Answers7 年前Are you surprised that Microsoft's Internet Explorer patch includes XP machines?
I couldn't imagine why MS would leave millions of XP computers vulnerable. It appears that someone in Redmond still has his brain in gear.
4 個解答Security7 年前Can't Answer Questions in Best Answer Asker's Comment?
Sometimes an Asker will ask an additional question re my answer in their comment after giving me Best Answer. I used to use the Comment option to leave them an answer but now Comment will open but I can't type in it. If the Asker doesn't allow email, is there any way I can answer their additional question(s)?
2 個解答Yahoo Answers7 年前The New Answers: Where are my Saved Searches?
Today is my first day with "The New Answers". I had a nice list of Saved Searches but when I click on the Saved Searches link a list of questions from a hodge-podge of categories and not the nice, organized list by subject that I'd created.
2 個解答Yahoo Answers8 年前Can Whole Milk Mozzarella Be Frozen?
I wanted whole milk Mozzarella for a recipe but the store only had it in 5 lb bricks - so I bought one. It would take us months to use up this much Mozzarella. I'd like to freeze it in reasonably-sized chunks for later use. The frozen cheese would be used in baked recipes and not eaten as is.
6 個解答Other - Food & Drink8 年前Why can I no longer stream any of the videos in any Yahoo section?
For the past week, when I go to any video displayed on Yahoo, all I get is a large circle turning and turning and turning but no video appears. I'm using the Chrome Browser on a Windows 7, 64 bit machine.
1 個解答Other - Yahoo Products8 年前Do you know that the Copyright Alert System starts Monday?
The Copyright Alert System isn't law. It's an agreement between ISPs and internet content providers.
It's goal is to stop the illegal downloading of copyrighted material - the casual downloading of videos, songs, etc. to personal computers. Downloaders get 5 warnings and then can be permanently banned from the internet by their provider.
Since the internet and online content sites are private property, there's no appeal. They own it and they make the rules.
2 個解答Other - Internet8 年前Without a landline, how does a home computer connect to the internet?
I've always connected via my landline (DSL) and know it's possible to connect via cable but everyone without a landline can't be connecting via cable. What are the other ways to connect?
2 個解答Computer Networking8 年前How to download mp3s with Windows 7?
I want to download some free, public domain Christmas music and can only download wma files. Most of the music and carols are mp3 files which open to a music player no matter what link (download or listen) I click on. This happened on 3 different sites, none of which required registration or anything else special before downloading. One site had a majority of songs and music as mp3 and MIDI files with a few wma files. Only the wma files would download.
I've got an i7 quad-core, 8 GB of RAM and 680 GB HD free space.
2 個解答Software9 年前Why do links from the Yahoo homepage load so slowly?
Other sites I go to, no matter which of the 3 browsers (IE, Chrome, Firefox) I use, load almost instantly but it takes 2 or 3 minutes for links I click on the Yahoo homepage to load, if they load at all. Sometimes I get a blank white page and a "timed out" message.
I'll sometimes have this problem in Yahoo! Answers but not as often as I have it trying to navigate to articles and stories linked to on the homepage.
2 個解答My Yahoo9 年前Is there a safe football game live streaming site?
I'm not a football fanatic but I wanted to connect to the UCLA v Rice game - mostly because the announcers on the radio don't give the score very often and the LA Times Live Update feature for this game for some reason isn't working - and not knowing the score is driving me crazy. Since I don't have cable, I googled for a live streaming site. I tried the first few links but half of them displayed error messages and the other half looked pretty hinky and seemed to be moderated by foreigners so I clicked out of them. I'm no xenophobe (afraid of foreigners). All I wanted was a live stream of an NCAA football game so I could get the score but I felt like I was one click away from filling my computer with viruses and bots.
1 個解答Other - Internet9 年前Why are US exports of gasoline still on the rise?
US oil is pumped out of the ground, refined and sent overseas while, as the price per barrel fell to $80 last month, domestic gasoline prices only fell a few cents. And don't give me any garbage about market forces. Most countries act to protect their strategic natural resources. We're talking petroleum distillates (diesel) and now gasoline being shipped from Gulf Coast refineries while the price Americans pay seems to have nothing to do with global market pricing.
Read the monthly exports for 2010. Any idea why December exports are 2.3 times those of January of the same year?
3 個解答Current Events9 年前Do you know that the export of refined diesel from the US continues to increase?
ULSD (Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel) exports from US Gulf coast refineries began to climb last fall and continue to increase. Do you really think that the Keystone pipeline which will bring Canadian shale oil to the same Gulf refineries that have switched from domestic gasoline production to producing diesel for the growing demand in Central and South America is bringing oil for US consumption?
2 個解答Current Events9 年前How much prison time should Sandusky be given?
Now that he's been found guilty on 45 of the 48 counts against him and the sentencing part of the trial will begin, how much time do you think he deserves? How much time do you think he'll actually be given?
10 個解答Current Events9 年前Is there any way to get VirtualDub to work on my W7 machine?
I used VD on my Vista computer to embed Aegisub created subtitles on my videos. I have a new 64 bit W7, Intel i7 QM machine but can't get the recommended 32 bit version of VD to work on it. I get a message that mfc90u.dll is missing and, after going through the Compatibility wizard and switching to XP Sp2, get a message that VD is incompatible. VirtualDub opens but the subtitle filter I've added is never recognized.
Is there any hope? I need to embed the subtitles not just view them with the videos.
4 個解答Software9 年前Will MS Office Home and Student 2007 install and run on Windows 7?
My new computer is a 64 bit i7 2670 QM with plenty of RAM and free HD space, running Windows Home Premium.
3 個解答Software9 年前Can I salvage my hard drive and its contents?
Yesterday, my 6 year old Vista computer was working fine when it started to smoke and turned off with a loud "BINK", the same sound it's made the few times I've had to do a hard shut down. Neither the battery nor the battery area has any obvious damage. I'm not brave enough to try to turn it back on. Can I put the hard drive into a case with a USB connector and access it without damaging the computer I plug it into?
Luckily, I regularly backup important data files but I need my updated email contacts and a couple of other things that I didn't backup;-(
3 個解答Laptops & Notebooks9 年前Should a separate subsection be created in Events just for 2012 End of the World questions?
From this day forward there's going to be more and more of them clogging Events and the answers will all be the same as they've been for the past year. Giving them their own subsection will leave more free space for actual current event questions.
2 個解答Current Events9 年前