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hormonal issues- women's help/advice?
Okay so I admittedly do not go to a general physician often, I know that is not good and should get a check up every year at least, it has been 6 years since I have been to any doctor besides a GYNOB. I believe I may be having some sort of hormonal issue and would like other women's help/advice or opinions on the matter. First off I had a child about 7 months ago and I am currently breast feeding. I started having normal cycles about 3 months after he was born but I have had extreme PMS. about 2 weeks before I get extreme moods swings- zero patience, I feel like a crazy person andhave extreme food cravings aweek before. My face breaks out as well. I get bloated before I even get my period but I am eating very healthy. More recently for the last 6 weeks my hair has been extremely oily.My face is not oily. This is very odd for me, I never had oily hair as a teen, I would get a few pimples the week before my cycle but not like this. I do not feel stressed out until I get mood swings the 2 weeks before. I am not as emotional the week of my period but I am still bloated and very tired. The only time I feel at all like my normal self is the week after my period and then I get crazy all over again. So basically 7 days out of a month I feel normal. What should I do? I am 27, eating a healthy diet, exercise a good bit, not taking BC.
1 個解答Women's Health7 年前Why Irrational fear just developed/realized?
I am having a bit of trouble coming to terms with a fear I have just come to realize I have. It is bizarre to say the least. I know lots of people with irrational fears of clowns or little people or heights and I always thought to myself " I guess I'm lucky that I don't have any of those issues" but then tonight happened and I'm wondering what the heck is up with me.
So I walked around the corner into my kitchen and one of my dogs was standing in the middle of the floor on her hind legs walking around. even just typing about it makes me freak out. I froze up. my heart started beating and then she kind of turned around while still walking upright and looked at me and I really flipped.
I ran to my husband and tried to tell him about it but I was laughing too hard- I am a nervous laughter person -let me stress I did NOT find the situation funny I WAS TERRIFIED. I was tearing up and trying to describe what the dog was doing and my husband was trying to get me to calm down. Finally I got it out and he thought it was funny- understandably. But I was really freaking out, and I know how stupid that sounds. But for some reason seeing my dog walk around like a person is really scary to me. I thought maybe it was just my dog and the fact that I was surprised when I came around the corner but it turns out that when I searched for "dogs walking like people" videos I couldn't even watch them without panicking again. I have seen little dogs do it in person and never had an issue.
I've been trying to figure out why I'd have this sort of response like maybe big dogs just look so human and the idea of the acting like humans is scary to me? I don't know. All I know is anytime i think about what I saw my heart starts beating really fast and I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack. I tried recounting the situation later with my husband and I started the nervous laugh thing again and had a really hard time calming down.
First of all does anyone else have an issue with dogs walking like people or have you heard of people being terrified of that before?
If so Why do you think someone like me who has had big dogs their entire life and never been afraid of them suddenly be afraid when seeing one walking around like that?
I read if you have an irrational fear that you should confront it but I don't know anyone with a big dog trained to walk on its hind legs, my dog is not trained to do it, obviously had no idea she could or did walk around the house like that until today. Dogs jumping up doesn't bother me.
(This is not a joke I was terrified and I now feel horrible that I used to pretend to be a midget to scare a friend of mine because I honestly had no idea how horrified she felt until now.)
2 個解答Psychology7 年前I need help training my cat!?
I have two young cats that are 1.5 years old. They are both fixed, really friendly, always use the litterbox, come when called, but i am having a hard time getting the male to stop jumping up to ridiculously high places.
From the time they were little they have not been allowed to jump onto the counters/table and the female never tries to get on them. She used to try of course when she was younger but we used a water bottle to spray her when she did and it only took a few squirts to get her to give up trying anymore.
The male will not jump up and sit on the counters per say but he uses them as a quick step to get to the top of the fridge, to get inside the cabinets, to get onto of the cabinets........ you get the picture.
He will try to get anywhere that is high up and often knocks things down. He doesn't stop at the kitchen either, i will often times wake up to him walking across the headboard of my bed which is only about 1/2" wide. He is scratching up all the furniture by trying to get into/ontop of all these places and it is driving me crazy. He does have tall cat specific trees/furniture that he spends a lot of time on and try to reward him when he plays on them instead on the top of the fridge but he is relentless. I keep their nails clipped but that doesn't stop him from digging in and leaving marks.
How should I react when he jumps up onto something that should be off limits, how can i get him to stop his midnight high wire act across the top of my bed and dresser mirror if I can't catch him doing it in the daytime? Also I will not smack him or hit him, I want to train him to stick to his furniture but simply rewarding him positively when he is playing on his tall cat furniture isn't working.
Unlike his sister the spray bottle does not deter him from jumping up on things- he just hunkers down to watcher he is onto of and gets soaked. I don't mind doing something extreme in the short run like sticking double sided tap to the tops of everything if that would work to keep him off of those items in the long run.
What have you had success with CS and what should I try that I haven't done?
Sorry it is so long but Thanks for reading!!!
3 個解答Cats9 年前Ladies what are your thoughts on this?
Back story:
My wife's best friend is extremely flirty with any and all guys she meets. It is so obvious that I almost feel embarrassed for her when we all hang out and she hangs all over our other friends who are guys, she even acts flirty towards me which has always been weird. My wife has never been concerned with her behavior and told me it was because her bf was closer with her older brother than to her sisters and identifies more with men then with other girls but my wife grew up with 3 brothers and doesn't flirt with every guy she sees, she never did even when we were just friends. My wife is a very attractive and social person while her best friend is social but not nearly as attractive looking.i also want to point out that she (the best friend) is a nice person and doesn't just hook up with guys or try to actually pick them up- just annoying flirty.
I think the reason she is so flirty is because it is her way of drawing attention to herself possibly because she knew guys were more incline to be attracted to my wife as they have been best friend since 5th grade and have done everything/go everywhere together. Do you think that could be a reason for her acting this way or do you think it is just because she grew up closer to her brother?? Or is there some other reason a girl would act this way?
2 個解答Singles & Dating9 年前