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Designing subnets ( computer networking)?
A company granted site address block of class c which is the company needs six subnets
A)Design the six subnets
B)calculate the number of hosts posible for each subnet
C)calculate the broadcast address and the subnet ip address of each ip address
D) request the sub network using block in terms of classes
1 個解答Computer Networking5 年前A Problom about a API and a Framework.?
Is Studying a API is similar like Studying a Framework.?
okay. if my question is foolish. what's the difference between a API or a Standard template library and a software Framework??? :) Thankz in advance
1 個解答Programming & Design7 年前C++ standard library documentation problom?
Hello, I'm newly learning c++. i want to download c++ standard library documantation for offline use. please can anyone tell me where is it available to download??? I'm tired of googling it all the day. 2)my goal is to create a music app which deals with midi divices. which classes are useful to send messages to sound font and reading data from midi files???. will i need to install aditional libraries???
Thanks in advance. :) my english is little problamatic. but i hope you could understand my problem.
Can you please sugest a name for my new musical band?
hello friends, i'm in a little trouble. going to start a musical band. but i have no idea about a good name for it.
it will be helpful if you help me with few name suggestions.
the name should be applicable music jargon
it's great if it also ok with astrology believes
should be short
should be sounds good.
easy to pronounce
should have a good meaning.
thankz in advance. please save me from this trap.
2 個解答Theater & Acting7 年前how to import C828 transsistor in proteus isis software?
I Couldn't find transistors such as C828,D400 in Proteus library. i need to draw a diagram using c828 transistor. how to import this transistor into work bench.and how to download common transistor packages into proteus help me friends!
2 個解答Software8 年前